About Aston University Mathematics School (AUMS)
An outstanding 6th form school within the national Mathematics School family that uniquely emphasises the application of mathematics and computing to the modern digital and data-driven world.
Aston University has been chosen to establish the West Midlands prestigious mathematics school for 16–19-year-olds. AUMS has a planned opening of September 2025 for 75 Year 12 pupils and grows to its capacity of 300 learners.
Mathematics schools prepare the most able pupils to succeed in related disciplines at universities and pursue mathematically intensive careers. Students will follow an A Level focused curriculum of A Level Mathematics, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science. Students are required to undertake an entrance exam to secure a place at this prestigious sixth form. As AUMS is the West Midlands Mathematics School as such it is expected that students will travel from a wide area to gain the knowledge and skills from both Post 16 and HE education, helping to address shortages of highly skilled graduates in sectors that depend on mathematics across the region. These include areas within engineering and science such artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.
National Maths School Programme. - https://umaths.ac.uk/
University maths schools are 16-19 state schools that immerse students in the challenge, creativity and life-changing opportunities of maths and maths-related subjects. Founded by and closely linked to leading universities, these schools offer a specialist STEM curriculum of exceptional quality and a vibrant community for budding mathematicians. They are engines of social mobility, working with students from under-represented groups to widen participation in high-quality STEM degrees and careers.
There are currently 7 established maths schools:
- King’s College Mathematics School
- Exeter Mathematics School
- Liverpool Mathematics School
- Lancaster University Mathematics School
- Imperial College London Mathematics School
- Cambridge Maths School
- Leeds Maths School
And in pre-opening
- Surry University Mathematics School -
- Durham Mathematics School
- Aston University Mathematics school
- University of Nottingham Mathematics School
Both King’s College and Exeter are rated outstanding by Ofsted and already among the highest performing school sixth forms in the country and were both within the top 1% of schools based on A level maths 2019 progress data.
The aim of AUMS is to identify and select from a wide range of backgrounds, the talented mathematicians of the future, who will thrive in an academically challenging university-style environment.