A generous 30 days per year plus statutory holidays and university closure days
You will be auto-enrolled into the Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Pension Scheme (Local Government Pension Scheme) on appointment
The University offers a range of voluntary benefits, more details can be found at: http://hud.ac/djg
The University embraces and celebrates the diversity of our staff, students and applicants and works to ensure University policies, practices, procedures and projects are inclusive. We are committed to eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations on the basis of the protected characteristics; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation and to ensuring equality of opportunity for all.
The University welcomes and supports the development of staff networks. Our staff networks provide an opportunity for staff who share a protected characteristic to network, obtain peer support and share information. The University has a number of staff networks including the LGBTQI+ Staff Network, BAME Staff Network, Staff Disability Network and a Women’s Staff Network. You can find more information at https://staff.hud.ac.uk/equality/staff-network-groups/
The University offers significant opportunities for development to support you in achieving the University's goals and objectives. Training and development opportunities exist in a variety of forms, both formal and informal. Please see the following link for more information: https://staff.hud.ac.uk/hr/staffdevelopment/
In accordance with our pre-employment processes, we are required to verify qualifications for successful candidates. We will need evidence of those essential qualifications listed in the person specification and claimed on the application form, by way of original qualification certificates.
A paid parking permit is available to staff via a monthly payroll deduction. This is operated through a waiting list which you will be eligible to join on appointment.
Useful links
To find out more information about the University please see the link below:
A range of information about living and working in Huddersfield is also available to you within the University’s web pages: