Working with us
Elizabeth Bryant, RE Curriculum Leader

I joined Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy in September 2014 having been second in department at my previous school for two years. From the moment I stepped onto the school premises during my first visit, to the very first day in September my experience was unique. Staff and students have created a warm, friendly welcome. They show pride for their school and their faith. Staff and students are always willing to go the extra mile to support a member of staff or a student, ensuring their experience at Our Lady and St Chad is an outstanding one. I know this will be my family for many years to come.
As a Catholic school, RE is delivered as a core subject, supported by a rich programme of school wide SMSCV initiatives. In my role as Curriculum Leader I am responsible for the progress of all groups of learners within my subject area. A key part of my role is the coaching and development of five RE teachers, working together to create and deliver an engaging RE curriculum for our students. To support my work in leading the department, I was given the opportunity to undertake the NPQML course. This course has given me the reflective skills to move my own leadership forward, whilst nurturing my team and subject area. I am confident that as a member of the Our Lady and St Chad family my career path will continue to develop, as school are focused on supporting both staff and students to ‘strive to be the best they can be’.
Sonya Dhir, English Teacher

I became a part of Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy team in 2002, once I had completed my NQT year at another school. During my time here, I have been given every opportunity to enhance my professional development, by receiving a number of roles. My first role, in 2003 was to create and develop a whole school Health Education curriculum. This led to another role of being a Healthy Schools Coordinator, where a national initiative was delivered to the whole school community in 2005.
Most recently, I have taken the role of Teaching and Learning Practitioner, once I had completed the SSAT Lead Practitioner Accreditation, with the school’s full support. I thoroughly enjoy this role as it helps me to reflect on my own practice as an English teacher whilst being able to assist others to develop their own teaching and learning strategies.
During my time at the Academy, the school has changed and has constantly allowed me to change with it. I feel honoured to be part of such a team that allows their staff to flourish and reach their full potential. Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy has encouraged me to become an outstanding practitioner by providing me with numerous opportunities.
The CPD programme is one the Academy’s strengths, where they actively invest in each member of staff to ensure they achieve any personal or professional goals.
Russell Hilditch, Associate Principal for Behaviour and Welfare

I attended Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy in the Sixth Form, as a visiting student from a local secondary school. During my time studying A-Level courses, I was made to feel welcome from minute one and the Academy soon felt like my home school. The support and guidance provided by the staff was the key to helping me to progress to study a Sports Science degree. My positive experience at the Academy motivated me to want to become a teacher myself.
At the end of my PGCE year, I secured a position at the Academy I once attended as a student, as an NQT in the Physical Education department. During my second year of teaching I gained the responsibility of delivering a number of Sports College Inclusion Programmes, which allowed me to use the powers of Physical Education and Sport to impact on the pastoral and academic development of students in the Academy.
During the past 12 years I have been fortunate enough to work in a setting where the staff are provided with the support and opportunity to grow, both as practitioners in the classroom and as leaders with roles of responsibility. I have previously worked as Sports College Inclusion Programme Manager, Year Leader and am now a member of the Strategic Leadership Team as the Associate Principal for Behaviour and Welfare.
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