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Wightwick Hall SchoolMultiple Vacancies

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At Wightwick Hall School our vision for all students is to “be curious and thrive together”. Our vision is the foundation on which we have built and developed our curriculum. At the heart of all we do is the drive to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for adulthood.

At Wightwick Hall School we have a broad and balanced adapted curriculum based around the individual needs of our learners. Our curriculum fosters a culture of curiosity to ensure our students are able to thrive and meet their optimum potential. Underpinning all aspects of our curriculum are the pillars of Preparing for Adulthood: employment, independent living, community inclusion and health.

We strive for our students to be the best that they can be and set high expectations of being Ready, Respectful and Safe in all of their endeavours.

We have 3 distinct pathways that cater for the specific needs of our students. The majority of our students follow national curriculum subjects throughout their time at Wightwick Hall and our curriculum is enriched with a variety of additional opportunities that endeavour to provide our students with a wide and enriching experience. Our 11 acre site allows our students the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the classroom with subjects such as Outdoor Education and the Duke of Edinburgh  Award.

Students in all pathways have a discreet PSHE lesson each week that incorporates the statutory requirement for relationship and sex education (RSE).

Hickman – Semi-Formal/Sensory

Willow – Formal

Bannatyne – Formal

Key stage 3

This curriculum is currently under construction.


A sensory curriculum from KS3-5 where there is a higher staff to student ratio.

A tailored 3 year cycle curriculum that focuses on the ability of the students. The curriculum is adapted to meet the academic needs of the individuals within the pathway. Students will work towards gaining certificates in AQA UAS that link with the National Curriculum in humanities, RS and Science subjects, AQA Certificate in Math's and ASDAN (Key Steps, Towards Independence, Life Skills Challenge and Transition Challenge: Progression). This will set the foundations for Key Stage 4 Curriculum.

Students will follow an adapted National Curriculum for English, working on achieving those important Literacy skills. With weekly allocated Literature lessons to promote a love for reading.


An adapted 2 year key stage 3 curriculum that focuses on the underpinning skills and knowledge required to be successful in their future key stages and setting the foundations for Preparing for Adulthood. Students will study traditional key stage 3 subjects to include: English, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, religious education, performing arts, PE and ICT. Our adapted curriculum also includes: outdoor education, enterprise and careers and independent living.

Key stage 4

A tailored 2 year cycle curriculum that focuses on the ability of the students. The curriculum is adapted to the academic needs of the individuals within the pathway. Students will work towards gaining certificates in AQA UAS that link with the National Curriculum in Humanities, RS and Science. They will continue to work towards gaining deeper knowledge in Maths via AQA Certificate in Mathematics to prepare them for KS5 Functional Skill Maths. Students will work towards the ASDAN PSD Entry Level 1 or 2 qualification. In English students will have weekly allocated Literature lessons to promote a love for reading. They will use the knowledge gained from KS3 to work on achieving a variety of AQA UAS to prepare them for KS5 Functional Skills English.

A 3 year key stage 4 to embed the skills and knowledge gained at key stage 3. This enables our students to have the best opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in all subjects and embedding the pillars of Preparing for Adulthood. Students have the opportunity to achieve from entry level qualifications through to level 2/GCSE’s.

Key stage 5

A 3 year rolling curriculum, providing students with a range of qualifications and awards. Students study City and Guilds Entry Level 1-3 for maths and English. Preparing for Adulthood is a key focus and is delivered through a range of ASDAN courses- Life Skills Challenge, Moving On, Bronze Silver Gold and Food Wise short course. Students also gain certificates in AQA UAS, covering a variety of subjects related to students' interests and needs.

A 3 year key stage 5 curriculum with a foundation of English and maths from entry level Functional Skills to GCSE depending on the baseline students move into the 6th form with. The vocational elements range from Art & Design, Hospitality, Employability, Independent Living and Barista at Level 2. The focus is on Preparing for Adulthood, developing independent skills for future learning and living as a contributory member of the society.

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