About us
Thornhill Primary is a small community school in the very heart of its village. The building houses the community library and local nursery and is also used by community groups including the Brownies and Cumbrian Youth. The make-up of the community has changed since the school was first built in 1927 to cater for the new community of Thornhill, which had only just been constructed in 1922.
In the early 1920s the area known as Thornhill was nothing but fields, but during the 1920s there was a need to provide housing for families of workers who were employed in the local mines. Two hundred houses were built at this time with more houses being built in the late 1950s and 1960s. During this time the school was re-modelled from an all age (5-14 year) school, to a Primary School.
In September 2019, Thornhill Primary joined the West Lakes Multi-Academy Trust.
In January 2013, Thornhill began working with Arlecdon primary School under an Executive Headship arrangement and in January 2017, Thornhill Primary began offering Nursery provision for 2 and 3 year olds. These pupils are now part of our EYFS unit.
In September 2019, Thornhill Primary joined the West Lakes Multi-Academy Trust.
In September 2020, the school officially federated with Arlecdon Primary school under a joint Governing Body.
For further information about our school please contact Hannah on 07966 129 657 or email Hannah.Connell@hays.com