
How they work - hero


How They Work

The Earthshot Prize
Company Secretary Role

The Opportunity

How they work - main

How They Work


We don’t have fixed office hours – our focus is on outputs and delivering against our OKRs, not on a 9 – 5 day. We trust you to manage your time and get your work done. Some days this may mean you to work longer hours, especially at critical moments like Earthshot Week. But it also means that you have great flexibility as to what your working week looks like - when your day starts, where you work from and how you manage your time. We value our people and know that recharge time, doctor’s appointments and school plays are part of our day-to-day too. As a guide, most people come into the office 2 – 3 days a week and arrive between 8.30 and 10 and leave between 5 and 7.



There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the 4-day week is good for employees, the organisations they work for and the climate. We started a trial 4 day week in February 2023 where Friday is our non-working day. The trial is going well and we are receiving regular feedback from the teams. We don’t have all the answers yet, but we want any permanent arrangement to reflect our focus on talent, people and our values.


We operate a hybrid working model - you decide where to work from in collaboration with your manager and team. We value our time in person especially for collaboration so encourage teams to make time to do this. For most people this means coming into the office two to three days a week, especially for team meetings. For hybrid to continue being successful, communication is key, with your manager, team, and wider stakeholders. Some roles may require you to be in the office more than others. To make sure we all remain aligned and connected we hold team retreats every quarter and social events frequently for the team to spend time together in person.



Dress for the day! We don’t want to list what you can and can't wear. We trust you to use common sense when deciding how you dress. And please feel free to wear jeans any day of the week.