Teaching opportunities
St Ninian's High School
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About us
Despite its name St Ninian’s High School has no religious affiliation. The school is regarded as a very good comprehensive school with a reputation for being a friendly and welcoming place in which to work for both students and staff. It operates on a dual site with the lower school accommodating Years 7, 8 & 9 and the upper school providing education for Year 10 to Post 16 students. The buildings are 1.9 miles apart.
The lower school is new and purpose built on the Bemahague site in Onchan. This site has modern facilities for all students and staff to enjoy, these range from Sports Halls, Synthetic Pitches, Science Labs, Technology suite, Art/Drama studios, Music suite etc. The new Progress Zone brings a modern and flexible approach to teaching students with additional needs. The School is fully networked and all members of staff are issued with a personal laptop computer. The School has over 800 computers available for use. In addition it has one of the largest Apple Macintosh networks in the British Isles. Training is provided and the aim is to enable members of staff to make full use of modern technology in order to enhance their own learning as well as their teaching.
The school’s catchment area has only recently been defined as the North Douglas, Onchan and Laxey area of the Eastern District of the Island. Pupils in Year 6 from 7 primary schools can choose to be admitted, purely to St. Ninian’s and having a choice based upon where the family actually reside or sibling rules. In Key Stages 3 and 4 it is envisaged the typical scenario will be a 10 form entry. Students with additional needs are taught via the Upper Progress Zone which is a new facility. This could be in discrete groups or in mainstream dependent upon the need. In recent years the Island’s population has grown and this has been reflected in the school’s roll. There are currently 75 students on the School’s EAL register – mainly Portuguese, Polish, Thai and Filipino students.
The school offers a wide range of subjects at Key Stage 4 and Post 16. ‘A’ Level results are consistently good as are those at GCSE. The academic and vocational courses are complemented by a variety of extra-curricular activities such as Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Enterprise, as well as a large variety of sporting clubs and activities.
The school curriculum is undergoing an overhaul with extensive consultation leading to the changes planned for.
We look forward to welcoming you and your learning pathway to our community. Working in St. Ninian’s High School is a truly exciting professional prospect.
Staff profiles
What do you like about working at your school?
I like the structure and layout of the school day, the 50 minute lessons. I like the close relationships shared by all departments, but especially within the RE department. I like the level of support I have received from all staff and the open-door policy held by senior members of staff.
How have you been supported since joining your school?
As an NQT I have gained a lot of support. Senior leadership have played an important role in my development as a teacher, they have monitored my progress closely and have offered extra support and recommended me for CPD sessions.
The RE department have been very supportive. I have a weekly mentor meeting, I have had additional mentor support specifically aimed at KS4 and preparation for examinations. I have been welcomed into other classrooms, which has allowed me to observe outstanding practice and further develop my own pedagogy.
I have been encouraged to participate in other activities outside of my own department and this has improved my working relationships with both staff and students.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at your school?
I am proud to have made it half way through my NQT year. I am proud of the positive impact I have had on my students and the brilliant relationships we have formed. I am proud of the skills I have developed, for example guided questioning.
What are the students like to work with?
The majority of students have been amazing to work with! Most of my classes are engaged, excitable and eager to learn and do well. The behaviour at St Ninians is excellent, this is down the support from senior leadership and a closely followed behaviour pyramid which allows me to teach and not spend my time dealing with poor behaviour.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Since joining St Ninians I have worked closely with the Special Needs Department who have allowed me to work with their students and further develop my knowledge and understanding of SEN.
I have spent time working with the Drama Department and have monitored a year 9 shelter group, watching them grow in confidence and see them confidently reading and memorising scripts has been inspirational.
I run an RE catch up club each week, most weeks I am pleased to see a full classroom of students who want to further their understanding of topics we have covered in class and spend time perfecting homework or assessments.
How have you been developed professionally?
I have found the INSET days really interesting, I really like the flexibility of the sessions – how you can decide which area and CPD you would like to attend. My NQT sessions with Jan Gimbert have been excellent, the opportunity to sit down and discuss personal experiences and good teaching practice with other NQT’s has been invaluable and something that has helped me get through the year. The training days on Safeguarding have been very informative and practical and they have given me to confidence to deal with any situation that my be highlighted at school.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
I would like to continue developing my understanding of marking techniques and feedback. For example, DIRT. These techniques have allowed me to take control of my workload and better support the needs of my students by hearing their ideas and views on their own work. I would like further instruction on peer and self-assessment techniques.
I would ultimately like to move towards Special Needs Education and hope to take part in CPD sessions in this area.
I will be developed further in the area of GCSE Examinations. I will learn how to construct exams, mark exams and create resources to support learners through the exam process. Something that I have recently been instructed on is creating a valuable revision session for year 11 students.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of relocating to the Isle of Man?
It was a huge decision to move from The Wirral. I was leaving behind friends and family to start a new life somewhere completely different.
Yes, it is expensive. Yes, it is challenging getting used to a new place and trying to make new friends. But, I can honestly say that it was the best decision I have made and I would not look back. I hope that I will remain at St Ninians for many years to come.
What is the best thing about living on the Isle of Man?
The views – especially for dog walking!
Nature and wildlife! Seeing bottle-nosed dolphins was a dream come true!
The sense of community
The opportunity for adventure sports and fitness
The culture and history
In my experience, the locals have been very welcoming and supportive and have made my relocation easy! I have made many friends and now view the Island as my home.
What do you like about working at your school?
The Staff are incredibly friendly and students also very friendly and respectful, at least 3 students thank me at the end of every lesson. The work life balance is truly respected but Staff are still willing to work hard to get the best for students. My place of work is only 5 minutes from home (from 50 minutes in the UK!). Working at St Ninian’s High School I have the freedom as a middle leader to innovate and try new strategies.
How have you been supported since joining your school?
Completely, my line manager has been amazing, and the Island financially supported my move. I have had the full support and trust of my head since beginning my job.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at your school?
Changed the way coursework is delivered to students, boosting the C+% by over 30%. Become part of an already established team, and managed to get buy in for the way I lead. Joined the 5 aside team Vs another School and consistently beat them most weeks.
What are the students like to work with?
Very polite and incredibly able, and most students are open to classroom humour which fits my style of teaching perfectly. Students are also very compliant, and threats of detention are rarely required to get students to do as asked, they are happy to help out..
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Not much at the moment, only staff 5 aside as I’ve just had my second child, so time is at a premium at the moment! However I do manage to partake in the lunchtime chess club.
How have you been developed professionally?
I have been given the opportunity to take on whole school responsibility once I have got into the swing of the job, and also I know that the option of doing an NPQSL qualification is possible in the future.
What support do you get?
At this point I haven’t needed much support, however I have had the backing of senior team for all my initiatives and in situations where I have foreseen potential issues, the Head and senior staff have agreed to join me in required meetings and speak with individual students and staff if required.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
As mentioned above, I hope to complete an NPQSL qualification and become and Assistant head teacher in the next few years.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of relocating to the Isle of Man?
Do it! It’s a great experience, life here is vibrant and outdoors, and on your doorstep. Ensure you find some social activities when you get here and you will find that you develop some instant friendship groups. Get chatting to people about what they do, and the “small world” of the island will do the rest! Also, don’t worry too much about moving costs as the Island government has an excellent relocation package.
What is the best thing about living on the Isle of Man?
Relaxed pace of life, with the view of the sea from pretty much anywhere! Everywhere is close, which means you don’t waste time travelling and I get to spend more time with my family in beautiful seaside locations, in amazing forested foothills or looking out at the 7 kingdoms from the top of Snaefell.
From a teacher perspective, no Ofsted, which gives you the freedom to get on with the job and get the best for students, without fear that you aren’t ticking the relevant box for whatever is the flavour of the moment.
What do you like about working at your school?
- Students are always pleasant and respectful
- It is like a ‘family’
- Excellent opportunity for CPD
- Staff are friendly and helpful
- A place where you can teach, without expending all energy on behaviour management
- A supportive environment for all new staff
- SMT are approachable and helpful, providing advice and guidance
- Opportunities to work with other colleagues in school improvement
- Great opportunities to enhance your career prospects
How have you been supported since joining your school?
- SMT support – advice and guidance
- CPD island-wide
- Line management support, advice and guidance
- HoD support in developing ideas and strategies to improve and enhance teaching
What are the students like to work with?
After joining SNHS, I was promoted to 2nd in Mathematics within my first couple of months of starting. I felt that I was empowered to support the HoD and also colleagues within the department, with all staff very supportive of my new position.
I was also given the opportunity to become the Sixth Form Co-ordinator (deputy to Head of Sixth Form), which was something that I relished and thoroughly enjoyed putting my own ideas into the current Sixth Form setup.
I then had the opportunity to become Head of Sixth Form, leading the Sixth Form tutor team and students – a role that has given me the opportunity to develop my
All-in-all I have been successful in gaining promotion and developing my career prospects since arriving at SNHS.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
I have been involved in a lot of the activities in school, some relating to just the teaching staff such as football, walking races, running, 5-a-side, etc.. and some activities linked to students such as the Summer BBQ, University Visit and Army Residential. There is always lots of clubs to get involved in such as book club, a number of residentials, DofE, etc…
How have you been developed professionally?
There has been many opportunities to develop my career in teaching through my promotion’s but also alongside my CPD. If there is an opportunity to attend a course that will have an impact on you as an individual or your career, then the school is very supportive.
What support do you get?
I have been fortunate to have support from the Headteacher, SMT, my line manager and also my HoD. Each person brings different ideas and allows for unique support and guidance when I have required it. There is always someone available to support and you never feel alone.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
I think there is a wide range of career opportunities in teaching for anyone thinking of coming to the Isle of Man.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of relocating to the Isle of Man?
- Research where you would ideally like to be based (although you could access any of the high schools from any point on the island)
- Come to the island and spend a few days “looking” about
- Visit one of the schools (I’m in no doubt that they would be accommodating)
- Look at some of the school websites to gauge an idea of what happens in and out of school
- Look at some of the local papers to get an idea of opportunities outside of school
- Less travel time
- Freedom to flourish whilst teaching
What is the best thing about living on the Isle of Man?
- Lots of sporting activities to compete in
- The beach is only 5 minutes away
- Lovely open spaces for walking or relaxing
- Friendly and approachable people
- Low crime rate
- No motorways
What do you like about working at your school?
What I love most about my job is the sense of belonging around the school, both staff and students make all the hard work worth it.
How have you been supported since joining your school?
I have had continued support from the very beginning of my time at St Ninian’s High School. From my first week when I was invited to a meeting with other new members of staff, NQT’s and members of SLT, to termly meetings to discuss my progress and how I am getting on.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at your school?
I recently took part in the Year 6 Opening evening, encouraging possible future new students to come to St Ninian’s High School. We had many Key Stage 3 pupils that wanted to help and show their work to visitors, this gave me a great feeling of satisfaction to see so many of our current pupils promoting the school and for highlighting the importance of Computing in the curriculum and everyday life.
What are the students like to work with?
Students behave in a mature and sensible manner around school. They are polite to each other and show respect for their teachers. The students at St Ninian’s High School make a strong contribution to their own learning by attending regular lunch time catch up sessions and independent study and are keen to do well.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
How have you been developed professionally?
I have attended regular INSET and CPD sessions covering multiple different topics such as multiple teaching and learning strategies, which have been shared amongst staff. I have also had support through my department and head of year to help me develop as a classroom teacher, through learning walks and regular meetings.
What support do you get?
Along with support from the staff at all levels on a daily basis, I have received support from the Isle of Man Government with my relocation; from assistance with the cost of preliminary visits and removal costs to monthly contribution towards rent which I will receive for two years.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
As a recently qualified teacher I am continually developing myself professionally as a classroom teacher and can see myself working at St Ninian’s High School for a very long time. As a good role model for many children in my classes, I would be more than happy to take on a pastoral role if the right opportunity came up here, but still continuing with what I love most, teaching, contributing to my department and being proud of the work I do every day.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of relocating to the Isle of Man?
As with anywhere, the Isle of Man might not be for everyone, but having previously visited the Isle of Man, I soon realised that it was exactly where I wanted to develop professionally and as an individual. I would advise anyone looking at relocating to the Isle of Man ensure they have visited. The Isle of Man has lots to offer.
What is the best thing about living on the Isle of Man?
The thing I like most about the Isle of Man is the drive to work, along with the fantastic scenery and little traffic, you are never very far away from a view of the Isle of Man’s beautiful coast and Manx waters. Along with this the islanders are very welcoming and friendly.
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