
Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School


Teacher with students in class School child in PPE School children in class Children playing sportsChildren playing sports Main school building

Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School

St Mary's University


Job opportunities


How to apply

Full applications to job opportunities advertised at Shipston High School must be submitted by completing the application form along with a supporting statement.

Your supporting statement must be no more than 2 sides of A4 detailing how your knowledge, skills and experience so far will make you a suitable candidate for the post you are applying for.

To download the school application form, please click here.

To request a full application pack for a specific role, including job description, person specification and application form, please contact Paul Hunt

M: 07921 583 731

Shipston High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. All successful applicants will be subject to an enhanced CRB/ DBS check and will also be taken through the DfE approved Hays vetting procedure.


Hays Microsite jobs listing

Latest jobs

Title Location Salary Type
Teacher of History (maternity cover) Shipston on Stour MPS/UPS Permanent
Teacher of Design Technology Shipston on Stour MPS/UPS Permanent
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