
Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School


Teacher with students in class School child in PPE School children in class Children playing sportsChildren playing sports Main school building

Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School

St Mary's University


About us

About the school

'A small, high achieving school with a unique, student-centred ethos'

Shipston High School is a small, rural 11-16 mixed High School with a very special ethos and character. Our students are high achieving and increasingly successful.

The school itself is located on an attractive green-field site on the outskirts of Shipston on Stour in South Warwickshire. Our buildings are spacious and offer a wealth of specialist and general accommodation including floodlit tennis courts and access to a swimming pool and leisure facility on our site.

Visitors frequently remark on the distinctive ethos of Shipston High School. In particular, they praise the obvious energy and enthusiasm of staff and students; the excellent relations; and the happy and mutually respectful atmosphere. They also express admiration for the unusual confidence and maturity of our students and the way they rise to the challenge of taking on increasing levels of responsibility.

Teaching and learning

We put learning at the heart of everything we do. Staff have high expectations of all students whatever their backgrounds or abilities and we expect students to make the most of the many opportunities the school provides.

Class sizes are kept as small as possible so that we cater more effectively for every student's needs. We believe firmly in the importance of homework and independent study as important tools to help our students become successful, self-motivated learners

Resources for learning

The range and quality of our facilities ensure that teaching and learning is varied, interesting and successful. ICT facilities throughout the school have been increased and upgraded significantly during recent years.

All classrooms are equipped with the latest interactive audio visual technology and we have an excellent computer to student ratio which is well above the national average. Increasingly our students are learning in high quality, well-equipped subject environments.


Hays Microsite jobs listing

Latest jobs

Title Location Salary Type
Teacher of History (maternity cover) Shipston on Stour MPS/UPS Permanent
Teacher of Design Technology Shipston on Stour MPS/UPS Permanent
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