
Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School


Teacher with students in class School child in PPE School children in class Children playing sportsChildren playing sports Main school building

Teaching jobs in Warwickshire with Shipston High School

St Mary's University




Gavin Saunders

Thank you for your interest in working at Shipston High School. The school is a fantastic place to work, and I very much hope that you will wish to apply for what is an exciting job opportunity.

Shipston High School has a unique school atmosphere, arising from our high expectations and our student-centred ethos. It is an ethos in which our teachers are able to focus on the well being and academic progress of our young people. As a result, both students and teachers flourish.

This is a hugely exciting time for the school. At this point of significant national change in education, we are highly ambitious for our students and we recognise that our staff are essential to their success. Examination results have shown an impressive rise in the last few years and, as a result, the school is regularly oversubscribed.

Our students are our best advertisement. They are well-motivated, hard working and well behaved. In February 2015, Ofsted identified behavior as ‘outstanding’.

For an informal, confidential discussion about any vacancy or to arrange a visit please contact

Visits to the school are encouraged, and you will be most welcome. I wish you all the best with your application and very much look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Saunders


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