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Amy Jenkinson

Assistant Headteacher

What do you like about working here?

We are lucky to have a modern building with great facilities, a superb team of staff and the students are a lively but lovely bunch.

How have you been supported since joining Pendle Vale College?

Yes, 100%. I arrived at Pendle Vale as an NQT and I’m still here 12 years on. Staff in all areas are ready and willing to help, it is real tea effort.

What are the students like to work with?

On the whole our students are super. Our students are loyal and most want to do well, they sometimes need a shove in the right direction but they are a pleasure to teach. They embrace many different challenges and enjoy a variety of teaching styles.

Tell me about your department.

The RS department is somewhat small but perfectly formed and runs like clockwork. We enjoy planning lessons to inspire and motivate, we work well as a team.

What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?

Developing the most able students working with a local FE provider. From Dragons Den style activities to University Challenge.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Pendle Vale College?

It is a great place to work. Great facilities, colleagues and students. The school is striving to be the best it can be and to be part of the journey of Good to Outstanding is an exciting place to be.

How have you been developed professionally?

I have had the opportunity to work with experienced individuals that have taught me a lot and developed me as a teacher in all roles from form tutor to Lead Practitioner and now as Assistant Headteacher.

During my time at Pendle vale money has been invested in my development as a classroom teacher in terms of participating in the Osiris Outstanding Teacher Intervention programme as well furthering me as a middle leader by completing the National Professional Qualification of Middle. The CPD programme in school that happens on a weekly basis also allows plenty of opportunities for working cross-curricular and for teachers to really work on what they want to develop personally and as a department.

What support do you get?

There is a great support programme for all staff at all stages at Pendle Vale. Staff are supported within their subject area and are even buddied with someone from another area to give them a broader view of school and the profession.

What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?

I feel that Pendle Vale values its staff and will work hard to retain as well as recruit the best it possibly can.

Abeeda Solkar

Curriculum lead for RS and citizenship

What do you like about working here?

The pupils are just so lovely. The majority want to learn and they are open to any experimentation in terms of teaching style.

How have you been supported since joining Pendle Vale College?

CPD is offered on a regular basis. All new staff are offered CPD on Tuesday after school and Wednesday EC provides to time respond to CPD that is new to us.

What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Pendle Vale College?

I am proud of getting through a year and hearing appreciation from pupils having had enjoyed their learning experience and recognising their love for RS and citizenship

What are the students like to work with?

Most students are great. Very funny and often willing to participate in lessons however you have a minority as in most schools that need that push to work harder.

Tell me about your department.

My department includes 2 specialists and a number of non specialist providing a range of characters and expertise to support the progression of RS and citizenship. We share a workroom along with the maths department and the working environment is a supportive one.

What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?

Pastoral days have been great to support. Pupils often come back to the department to prepare for competitions such as the RS debate.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Pendle Vale College?

I would say it is a school that is organised and has a handle on the whole years plan upfront which can support your workload.

How have you been developed professionally?

I am always learning and I still have a lot of learning to do, but each cpd opportunity has allowed me to see things from a new perspective or take on board advice to shape my career her at PV.

What support do you get?

Support is available from all staff.

Ian Hughes

Teacher of PE

What do you like about working here?

  • The friendly, calming and well structured working environment.
  • The PE facilities and general school facilities.
  • The staff are friendly and always helpful.
  • The PE curriculum is varied and comprehensive.

How have you been supported since joining Pendle Vale College?


  • I have been supported from school with my teacher training course.
  • The course was found to enable me to teach, whilst training at the same time.
  • Line manager and faculty support throughout my teacher training and NQT year.
  • CPD opportunity through the OTIP training programme.


What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Pendle Vale College?

  • Successfully completed my teacher training and NQT year.
  • Led the new Sport Studies course for KS4 students. I am enjoying the responsibilities and challenges associated with that.
  • Continually worked to engage, motivate and challenge students in PE.
  • Encourage students to participate in a comprehensive extra curricular programme.
  • Completed the OTIP training programme.

What are the students like to work with?

  • They generally enjoy PE lessons and engage quite well with the various activities that we cover.
  • Generally polite and well mannered.
  • Do not listen to instructions very well.
  • Sport Studies theory lessons – few produce coursework on time, standard of work often poor with limited detail.
  • Some students take responsibility for their learning, some do as little work as possible.

Tell me about your department.

  • Staff are very supportive, friendly and easy to work with.
  • Very good teamwork and work ethic.
  • Student expectations are high with all staff.
  • All staff work collaboratively, sharing best practice in both theory and practical lessons.

What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?

I get involved with many extra-curricular activities, including taking practices and teams for the following sports.

  • Football
  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Basketball
  • Rugby
  • Table Tennis
  • Badminton
  • Hockey

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Pendle Vale College?

  • Take the opportunity to get involved in staff CPD training and development.
  • The school is striving towards being an outstanding school.
  • The school has a very positive feel/atmosphere to it.

How have you been developed professionally?

  • Sport Studies CPD delivery course.
  • OTIP teacher training.
  • Initial teacher training programme.
  • Early closure professional development programme.

What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?

  • Teaching and learning team opportunities
  • Assistant/head of faculty opportunity

Mariam Yousaf

Teacher of Science

What do you like about working here?

The thing I like the most about working at Pendle Vale is the community spirit and ethos which staff, students and parents all value and share. Learning really is at the centre of all we do!

How have you been supported since joining Pendle Vale College?

When I joined Pendle Vale as an NQT, I was supported by an experienced mentor who was able to develop my confidence in my teaching abilities. We met on a weekly basis, where we set SMART targets that I worked on. I particularly liked how my mentor appreciated any little successes and challenged me to push myself further.

What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Pendle Vale College?

I am proud of the relationships I have developed with my fellow colleagues, students and parents. I thrive from supporting and developing students’ confidence in my subject area. One particular student who I am extremely proud of, was an EAL student who arrived to the UK with little knowledge of science and had difficulty understanding English. This student exceeded their target grades in science and I believe this was due to the extra support I offered during my breaks and lunchtimes.

What are the students like to work with?

Our students are hardworking, positive and motivated. Most of our students are eager to achieve great things and push themselves in order to make good progress. Our students make the most of even the smallest of achievements and wish to do well in their studies. Our students are well behaved and respectful towards all adults and peers.

Tell me about your department.

My department is diverse with a range of expertise in the three different sciences. Whilst teaching at Pendle Vale, I have learnt some efficient ways of teaching complex and challenging ideas to students in simpler and engaging ways. My colleagues are constantly sharing resources and ideas and are willing to take on my fresh new ideas.

What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?

I have been involved in the school Duke of Edinburgh expeditions which have allowed me to work with some of our vulnerable students to provide them with opportunities to explore and develop their own physical and mental capabilities.

I have also been a part of the stem club which runs at lunchtime, where we offer students an opportunity to apply their knowledge of other subject areas in a creative and engaging way.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Pendle Vale College?

At Pendle Vale, there are opportunities to develop a variety of teaching strategies through the Teaching and Learning Team. They offer extra support on Tuesdays after school and encourage you to try new things, which pushes you to get out of your comfort zone. So, my advice would be to attend these sessions and try something new!

How have you been developed professionally?

In my short time being at Pendle Vale, I was given the opportunity to develop my own career through the ‘Next Steps into Leadership’ course. This has allowed me to further develop and explore my skills. I have also been instrumental in the changes to the lesson observation format we have implemented this year.

What support do you get?

At Pendle Vale, we have weekly CPD sessions which focus on a variety of different aspects of our roles as teachers. Through ‘Lesson Study’, I have been able to work with colleagues on a strand of our College Improvement Plan and together we have worked on developing strategies which will benefit our whole department. I have also completed a course with OTIP, where I worked with an experienced consultant, who provided me with innovative methods to deliver engaging lessons and deliver constructive feedback. I was filmed to help me reflect on my lessons. This has developed my awareness of my strengths and weaknesses.

What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?

Pendle Vale is a school where leaders are constantly trying new things and encouraging staff to implement new strategies. Staff are encouraged to develop their careers and are offered various routes into this including the ‘Aspiring Middle Leaders’ course.

Paul Morley

Teacher of PE

What do you like about working here?

The school is very supportive in terms of providing training opportunities to develop as a professional as well as their commitment to the pupils.

How have you been supported since joining Pendle Vale College?

I’ve had the chance to take part in the ‘Outstanding Teaching intervention’ Programme as well as weekly CPD sessions from various members of staff.

What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Pendle Vale College?

I have completed the ‘Outstanding Teaching Intervention’ programme which has provided me with the opportunity to develop as a professional.

What are the students like to work with?

The students are very good on the whole, are keen to learn and have enthusiasm for the subject.

Tell me about your department.

I work with a great department who are very passionate about their subject, supportive of each other and are always willing to offer advice. The age range of the department is varied which means there is a great mix of experience and new ideas.

What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?

As a PE teacher, extra-curricular activities are very important to us and we offer a wide range of practices and inter-school competitions. As a form tutor, I have also had the chance to experience other activities such as taking my form on an overnight camping trip.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Pendle Vale College?

Pendle Vale is a great place to work with great staff and pupils and also has opportunities to develop your career. Don’t hesitate to hand in your application!

How have you been developed professionally?

Again, through various CPD sessions, the OTIP programme and feedback from observations, I feel I have developed as a professional.

What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future? CPD is an ongoing

CPD is an ongoing process at PVC and there have also been various opportunities recently for staff to lead new initiatives.