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SEND Learning Support Assistant - Girls' School Barnet Actual Salary (£21,614 - £22,266) Permanent
SEND Learning Support Assistant - Boys' School Barnet Actual Salary (£21,614 - £22,266) Permanent
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Our ethos

Hasmonean High School is a centre of educational excellence serving the Orthodox Jewish Community of North-West London.

All students, staff and parents are aware of Hasmonean’s great purpose: to nurture students to become committed to, and ready to live, a life of Torah im Derech Eretz (to be successful in the wider world without compromising the attitudes and values enshrined in the Torah). This ethos has been at the heart of the school since its inception, when it arose out of the ashes of the Holocaust to provide those who fled from it with a future; it is this ethos which enables our students to become successful, responsible contributors to modern day Britain.

Hasmonean’s values go above and beyond academic achievement. We expect teachers to deliver a first-rate religious education, outstanding secular studies and a broad and enriched curriculum which promotes values such as chesed (caring/ kindness) and tzedokah (supporting charities). Although the vast majority of our graduates go on to study in world-class seminaries, before pursuing university education and a wide variety of careers, all students are well-prepared for their future lives.

Students are taught to love and cherish their religion and culture, to explore its rich depths and to be enriched by them; and that living an ethical life is a privilege rather than a burden. They are also taught to respect people of other faiths (or no faith), those who come from different cultures and those who choose to lead different lives.

We ensure that students are supported, regardless of their economic background or academic ability, to make excellent progress and to enjoy their spiritual, personal and academic journey. We aim to maximise each student’s potential within a caring, disciplined and ordered environment; in return, all students are obliged to respect and support the school’s values, to act as role models to other students, to try their best and to act with a kind heart.

Benefits of working at Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust

  • Top performing comprehensive
  • Excellent value added and progress 8 scores
  • First class CPD opportunities
  • Supportive and committed parents and governors
  • Friday afternoons off
  • Free period Work from Home once a fortnight
  • Strong value system
  • Every child is known and valued across both academic and pastoral teams
  • Diverse and friendly staff body
  • Supportive atmosphere for everyone, both staff and students
  • A nursery on site for staff