Head of Parking,
Head of Highways and Traffic,
Head of Strategic Transport
How to Apply
About us
With a workforce of about 6121 staff, including schools, Croydon Council is one of the largest employers in the borough. The council also makes a significant contribution to the local economy.
The Streets and Environment Division is made up of Highways and Traffic, Parking Services, Environment and Waste management, Parks and Open Spaces, Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing, Independent Travel Services, Fleet management and the Carbon Neural service.
Highways & Traffic, Parking, and Strategic Transportation Services
Highways & Traffic Services ensure the safety of highway users by delivering maintenance to carriageways, footways, public footpaths, street lighting and highway structures, drainage, and flood management.
The Service fulfils the statutory obligation under the Traffic Management Act 2004 to provide the role of Traffic Manager and, as a consequence, monitor all highway related works across the borough to coordinate and minimise the delay and disruption to road users.
The Service is also responsible for the implementation of highway improvements, provides a road safety service which covers both preventative measures such as educational and physical measures on the highway and aids the School Travel Planning team.