
What people say Hero

Community Lives Consortium
Chief Executive Opportunity


What People say Main

What people say about us

Feedback is really important to us, it is essential if we are to continually improve in a way that maximises the wellbeing of the people we support. How do we understand what supported individuals think is good about their lives and what will make them better?

We have three sources of information:

  • Information that we gather while supporting tenants to review their personal plan. As part of this process Personal Support Managers, discuss with tenants and the people close to them, what is working well, and what is not working well, and what we can do to make things better. This information is personal to every tenant.
  • Information from our What we think survey - this survey for tenants and family members gathers useful information about what people think and what would make things better.
  • Finally, we have discussions at our Monthly Change team meetings. Localities all have monthly meetings where the people we support meet with other people they choose to invite. In these meetings we talk about the best thing that has happened in the last month and the things they want to make their lives better.

  • We also gather information from people's relatives about what they think of their support, this is gathered through personal plan review and through the RI visiting process.
  • We gather information from our commissioners and regulators through contract monitoring and review processes, and through the inspection and reporting processes  - Social Services and Health, and our Inspectors have all been very positive about the support that we have provided.

These three slides are taken from our most recent Annual Report and summarise the feedback that we have received

Lead me Home

Our AGM in December celebrated our 35 year. Preparing for this our Tenant leaders said they wanted to make a film about their journey alongside the Consortium and their ambitions for the next 5 years. We approached a local community artist and activist David Jones to help they tell their story.
