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Community Lives Consortium
Chief Executive Opportunity


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Welcome to Community Lives Consortium

This website tells you about Community Lives Consortium. We have produced this to support the Recruitment of our new Chief Executive. Here are two videos to offer you an introduction to the organisation and what we are looking for from our next Chief Executive.

  • In the first Lynda Rosselli our Responsible Individual and Rick Wilson our current Chief Executive tell you about the organisation, what makes it special, and what Lynda is looking for from the successful candidate.
  • In the second video some members of our Tenant's Lives group tell you about what they want from the next Chief Executive.

There are a number of pages to our site:

  • On our 'About us' page you can find information about our organisation and things that we are actively working on
  • On our 'What people say about us' page you can find out the feedback we have had in the last year
  • On 'Meet our Team' page you can get information about our leadership and wider teams
  • On 'About our Board' you can find out about our Board members and structure
  • On 'the Selection process' page you can find out how to apply and how we will make our choice as an organisation
