Job Opportunities
The Prescot School
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Welcome from the Head of School
In the business of learning since 1544
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to The Prescot School which has been part of Knowsley’s educational landscape for over 450 years. It is known for being an inclusive school and our vision is to ensure that all students achieve their academic potential, develop holistically and go on and live happy and successful lives.
Situated in a state-of-the-art building with exceptional learning and recreational facilities, The Prescot School provides the perfect base from which a first-class education can be provided. We are ambitious for the young people that we serve, ensuring optimum performance by focusing on high expectations coupled with excellence in teaching and learning.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced, knowledge and culturally rich and provides students with the solid foundations they need to go on and pursue careers of their choice.
The school is part of The Heath Family North West Trust. The Trust has a proven track record of successful school support. Our students will benefit from the expertise both within the school and across our partner schools in the Multi Academy Trust.
It is a privilege to have been asked to lead The Prescot School in the next phase of its growth. I am excited for the future and will work wholeheartedly with students, the staff and our community to provide the very best educational provision for our students.
I hope you enjoy reading through this recruitment website and would welcome you to contact our recruitment partner Hannah Connell from Hays Education to find out how to apply to The Prescot School (her details are below).
Mrs G Cousineau
Head of School
“I am pleased that Ofsted have recognised the wide range of improvements that have been made at The Prescot School over the last two and a half years, particularly in the midst of a global pandemic.
“Our leaders, staff and governors have been working relentlessly to bring about school improvement, new standards of behaviour have been put in place and students are really embracing the challenges that are being set for them. It is this unwavering commitment and dedication that will continue to drive The Prescot School forwards to a bright future.”
Please have a read through this recruitment website and contact our recruitment partner, Hannah Connell from Hays Education, on 0151 242 5100 / 07966 129 657 or to find out how to apply to The Prescot School
We look forward to your application.
David Donnelly, CEO of the Heath Family NW Multi-Academy Trust:
About the Trust

One CORE PURPOSE; Our academies will provide an education that is broader than just academic outcomes”
The Heath Family operates across the North West of England, with 8 schools in Halton, Knowsley and Sefton based at Palace Fields Primary School. The MAT has established an excellent reputation for bringing about sustainable educational improvement, including leading the emergence of a number of local schools from Special Measures. The mission and vision of the MAT is focused on raising the standards of aspiration and achievement for all students, encompassing innovative approaches to curriculum, teaching and learning, and by being part of a local and regional strategy to increase choice and diversity in education.
About The Prescot School
Ethos and Values
At The Prescot School we are committed to delivering a traditional curriculum in classrooms, focusing on developing skills in English, Maths and Science. Alongside this we also develop students skills in a range of subjects including Technology, Computer Science, Geography, History and French, German and Spanish. We constantly review and change our curriculum to match the needs and aspirations of our students. Children are encouraged to develop their own skills and talents and we support them to do this through individual aspirational challenges and targets.
We have very high expectations of all our students both academically and as part of our community. We expect them to work hard and behave well. We will develop the unique talents of every student through:
- Outstanding teaching and learning leading to success;
- Celebrating and supporting unique talents;
- Respect for individuals with outstanding care, guidance and support;
- Innovation and finding new ways to engage and inspire;
- Strong positive relationships and exceptional commitment to every child in school;
We are committed to ensuring that supporting and developing our students is at the heart of everything we do. The school is at the heart of our community and we work closely with our partners to ensure a well-rounded and positive learning experience for all.
We are rapidly improving, with tremendous aspirations for the school, our community and our young people. We constantly strive to ensure teaching is the very best it can be and we have a team of dedicated Specialist Leaders of Education and Lead Practitioners who continually drive forward our standards to ensure every learner succeeds.
At The Prescot School we are committed to developing students beyond the classroom. Everyone can access additional learning through the school portal where homework is set through ClassCharts.
We also have a range of extra-curricular activities including a variety of sports clubs and teams, Drama, Art, Music, Languages, Technology and many others.
The Prescot School is privileged to have a Board of Trustees who support students and the school with additional funds.
Students who demonstrate exceptional skills and talents can be sponsored by the Trustees, to enable them to participate in their chosen activity. They also provide funding for students who go on to University for travel and book grants. The school house at Tan Y Graig is now operational and students and staff are able to experience learning in this inspiring and beautiful environment.

“Improvements are clear in the quality of education” at The Prescot School, say Ofsted
The Prescot School has been praised by Ofsted for improvements that have been made across the school, during a visit in October 2021.
Ofsted stated that:
- leaders, the chief executive officer (CEO) and governors are ambitious for all pupils. Together with staff, they are making a positive difference to many aspects of the school.”
- improvements are clear in the quality of education, pupils’ behaviour and the personal development curriculum…Pupils say that they are expected to work hard and to be respectful of each other,” and “teachers have fostered positive relationships with pupils.”
- “all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), study a broad range of subjects in key stage 3.”
- “leaders have made changes to the range of courses that pupils can choose in key stage 4. More pupils are studying a language to GCSE. Consequently, an increasing proportion of pupils are studying the suite of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate…Almost all pupils move on to education, training or employment.”
- The CEO and governors know the school well. They have provided effective challenge and support to leaders.
- Leaders have raised their expectations of how pupils behave in school. Pupils’ behaviour during breaktimes and when moving between lessons is generally calm.
- Leaders have taken action to improve the identification of the needs of pupils with SEND…[they] have recently provided teachers with more information and training on how to support these pupils more effectively.
- Leaders have recently improved the range of clubs and sports activities that pupils can attend after school.
- Staff enjoy working at the school. They feel that leaders are considerate of their workload.
Taking all the evidence into account, improvements were recognised across every Ofsted inspection category including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and the leadership and management of the school.
However, due to the historical legacies of the “inadequate” judgement given in 2019, the school was graded as “requires improvement” overall.
Gina Cousineau, Head of School, said: “This is a significant milestone for our school and a key step on our journey to excellence.
“While we know there is always more that can be done, we are proud that inspectors have seen that The Prescot School is moving forwards on the right path and that we are absolutely determined to provide the very best for our students and our community.”
How to Apply
To find out how to apply for posts at the Prescot School please contact Hannah Connell from Hays Education, on 0151 242 5100 / 07966 129 657 or
The Prescot School is committed to safeguarding, to promoting the welfare of children and adhering to the Equality Act 2010. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. To comply with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 all prospective employees will be required to supply evidence of eligibility to work in the UK.
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