Headteacher opportunity
Ravenshall School
Apply nowWelcome
Dear Applicant
Thank you for expressing an interest in the prestigious position of Head Teacher at Ravenshall School (4 -19).
We are seeking to appoint a highly skilled, strategic leader who shares our values and visions; we are all different, all equal and all important.
The Governing Body wants a leader who is ambitious and has the drive and foresight to build upon our current outstanding position and our appetite for continual improvement.
The legacy that will be left by the outgoing Headteacher is phenomenal and is evident in our most recent Ofsted report; 'Ravenshall is an exceptional special school'. (February 2019)
At Ravenshall 'Everyone is a Leader' and committed to providing a personalised program of outstanding provision for each individual student in our care. We are passionate in ensuring our students achieve their full potential, that they are safe and happy, and that they are equipped with the necessary skills to support them in their future lives.
If you are a Leader who demonstrates strong leadership qualities, excellent organisational skills and a great knowledge and understanding of working with children and young people with complex learning needs, we would welcome your application.
We would be delighted for you to visit the school and that can be arranged through our recruitment advisor, Martin Blair at Hays Leadership (T: 07736791138, E: martin.blair@hays.com) who is also available for an informal conversation about the role or discuss making an application.
We genuinely look forward to meeting you and together sharing our joint aspirations for the future.
Best Regards,
Helen Metcalfe
Chair of Governors
About us
Ravenshall School is an inclusive, outward facing, and ambitious special school in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, which caters for 199 pupils aged 4-19 with complex learning needs.
Receiving its second Outstanding grade in February 2019, Ofsted inspectors described Ravenshall as 'an exceptional special school'. It benefits from excellent purpose-built premises with up to date facilities and technology. This was which were further enhanced in recent years with the addition of a new post-16 facility.
The majority of pupils have significant learning difficulties combined with other special educational needs such as behavioural difficulties or autistic spectrum conditions. A number of students have more complex learning needs including sensory and physical impairments and specific learning difficulties. All pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Pupils attending Ravenshall will meet some or all of the following criteria:
- Significant difficulties in all areas of the curriculum in terms of cognition and learning
- Significant issues surrounding interaction and communication
- Significant difficulties with self-care and independence
- Significantly delayed social and emotional development
- A combination of overlapping difficulties and disabilities which results in pupils presenting with complex and multi-stranded learning needs
- Significantly high levels of anxiety which need high levels of support from well-trained, professional members of staff.
![About us](/documents/19112576/19112639/about-1.jpg)
All children and young people at Ravenshall will require a highly personalised programme of support, which is specific to their complex needs, focusing upon basic functional skills; life skills; personal and social development; self-regulation and management of their emotions; physical development. This is delivered in a nurturing environment which sets out to make every child feel safe, accepted and valued first and foremost. Ravenshall has regular access to professionals, for example Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, and a Physiotherapist, but also has its own behaviour support team who support academic intervention, nurture intervention, behaviour intervention, speech and language intervention and working with families. This team works closely with teaching staff to ensure students receive an integrated package of support.
Pupils are set aspirational academic and personal targets in order to help them to overcome their barriers to learning. They will work within a highly adapted curriculum which is tailored to meet need: some follow a semi-formal sensory and experiential curriculum which supports those with higher needs; others work within a more structured, low arousal environment with an emphasis on social communication, which supports those with autistic traits; others are more able to access the national curriculum at a higher level and to develop the skills for independent living.
The school is committed to providing a relevant and personalised education for its pupils and preparing them for a world of independence as good citizens. It values the role of the arts and sports in encouraging motivation and personal development across the curriculum and all areas of learning.
The school encourages and is committed to working alongside the community and partner schools and agencies in providing quality experiences and opportunities for all its pupils to support achievement. It has a thriving ‘Friends of Ravenshall’ committee who work tirelessly to ensure that the home/school/community links are well established and productive in their fundraising and promotional activities. This successful, proactive practice incorporates the important role that parents/carers, governors and the wider community have to play in supporting the pupils and the school itself.
Ravenshall prides itself in being an inclusive school which ensures that all of its pupils receive an equal opportunity to achieve their very best. The school respects differences and celebrates diversity in all its forms. It gives children and young people a voice and encourages the active participation in the education process. It is committed too, in providing opportunities to develop life skills and preparation for adulthood through a work-related curriculum which is shaped to each stage of our pupils’ journey at Ravenshall.
School has a 16 – 19 provision (Preparation for Adulthood), which supports small groups of more vulnerable pupils from across other Kirklees special schools, who are not yet ready to move on to Kirklees College or other post 16 providers.
In September 2020, a locally situated, former Children’s Centre was completely refurbished and remodelled to provide a purpose built, specialist provision to cater for our expanding Post 16 cohort. Now providing an additional ‘Bespoke’ provision for our more ‘Semi formal’ learners, the building is the perfect environment to provide the specialist curriculum in preparation for adulthood.
These young people continue to develop their learning in literacy and numeracy whilst experiencing a wide range of confidence building activities in order to develop their social skills in readiness for moving on to a college setting, further training or employment at the end of Year 13.
![About 2](/documents/19112576/19112639/about-2.jpg)
The curriculum on offer includes a range of off-site learning environments, where learners meet with members of the public, learners from other provisions as well as accessing specialist centres e.g. Kirklees College gymnasium and Batley Bulldogs facilities. Ravenshall PfA provision was judged to be Ofsted Outstanding in February 2019 and continues to be a highly successful Centre of Excellence.
Ravenshall School values and supports the staff who work there and it is a fun place to work. All members of the staffing team have expertise in SEND and are dedicated to making a difference to the educational life chances and wider lives of all our children and young people.
As a National Support School, Ravenshall staff are proactive in their own CPD and undertake many School to School deployments. Professional development plays a significant part of the school’s improvement journey. On the staffing team at Ravenshall there are several Specialist Leaders of Education and other staff who have higher qualifications and accreditations, such as Makaton and Elklan tutors and trainers.
Further information can be found at www.ravenshallschool.org.uk
Vacancy details
L28 - L34 (£81,942 - £94,914), starting salary negotiable
Dewsbury, England
Closing date: 8am, Monday 28th June
Start date: January 2022
Job description and Person Spec
How to apply
For further information, an informal and confidential discussion about the role or to discuss the application process please contact Martin Blair at Hays Leadership Appointments.
Martin Blair
Hays Leadership Appointments
Tel: 07736791138
Email: martin.blair@hays.com
Ravenshall School Ravensthorpe,Ravensthorpe Rd,
WF12 9EE