Pannal Primary School
Headteacher Vacancy
About us
Pannal Primary School is a popular, oversubscribed primary which serves a semi-rural community including the villages of Pannal, Burn Bridge and the southern outskirts of Harrogate. In July 2016 the school converted to Academy status as a member of Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust.
There are currently 446 pupils on roll, organised into 14 classes in a 2-form entry structure. Due to over subscription, the school expanded in 2016 with significant building work including 3 additional classrooms to increase capacity and further building work during 2022/3 provided an additional cloakroom facility & extensions to 4 classrooms.
The catchment area reflects an increasingly diverse range of socio-economic backgrounds found within the village and the local area. The vast majority of catchment children choose to attend the school, but currently intake numbers allow for some children from beyond the catchment to gain places. The out of catchment numbers are reducing year on year as in catchment numbers increase due to several local housing developments.
The majority of children transfer to us from 3 local Pre-school facilities (2 on site) with which we have a close working relationship however approximately 15 other settings also transition pupils into our reception classes. At the end of year 6, children typically transfer to one of the secondary options on the southside of Harrogate: From within our Trust, St. Aidan's CE High School or other schools including Harrogate Grammar and Rossett.
The school is highly inclusive and benefits from a strong team of 1-1 support staff overseen by an extremely experienced SENDCO.
Leadership structures are well established and appreciated by the staff team who are also highly experienced and committed. There is a low turnover of all roles providing stability and continuity.
Pannal Primary has supportive parents, a highly effective PTA, an active governing body and the most delightful children.
What do we mean when we say “Pannal-Shaped”?
- Noun: ‘Pannal-Shape’- The unique characteristic of Pannal Primary School
- Verb: To ‘Pannal-shape’ an idea is to discuss it and ensure it suits our context and contributes to our vision. To ‘Pannal-shape’ a person is to encourage and nurture determination and perseverance; foster self-belief; develop a growth mindset; open minds to possibilities and promote recognition of life’s opportunities.
- Adjective: The ‘Pannal-shaped’ child or adult is self-aware and mindful; works collaboratively; respects others; is interested in the wider world and is not afraid to fail.
- Adverb: Staff who work in a ‘Pannal-shaped’ way are trusting professional companions who have high expectations; value collaborative autonomy; share collective responsibility. Staff and Children who work in a ‘Pannal-shaped’ way show determination and perseverance; strive to do their best; work collaboratively; value each others’ strengths; appreciate others’ achievements and believe everyone can.