Director of Digital and Performance with Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Dear candidate,
I would like to thank you for your interest in joining Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) in the newly created role of Director of Digital and Performance.
KMPT is a mental health Trust that provides mental health, learning disability, substance misuse and specialist services to approximately 1.8 million people across Kent and Medway. Delivering brilliant care through brilliant people is at the heart of everything we do at KMPT. We want everybody in Kent and Medway to be able to live their best life; to stay physically and mentally fit and well, with access to high quality services and support if, and when, they need them.
In a recent Integration White Paper, the Government outlined plans to bring NHS and local government closer together in the provision of health and social care services. It is envisaged that doing so will provide patients with better, more joined-up care, reduce waiting lists and enhance patient and staff experience.
Under the plans, NHS and local authorities will be encouraged to share data and be more transparent about their performance. A new integrated system will significantly enhance system wide communication on patient data, thereby delivering earlier intervention, transparency across service delivery, facilitate greater health and social care cooperation, better care to patients and deliver value-for-money for the taxpayer.
To support our partnership working with Kent County Council and the unitary authority in Medway as well as a wide range of stakeholder organisations, we are looking for an exceptional individual, someone who can understand our culture and values, to consistently drive up the quality of the services offered to people who use KMPT services and their loved ones. The role of Director of Digital and Performance will focus on;
- Being the functional lead for the Trust in developing and implementing the Digital strategy
- Taking responsibility for IT and performance resources (Circa 110 staff) and representing the Trust on IT and performance matters as well as establishing relationships with IT partners, suppliers and other NHS and non-NHS bodies
- Working closely with the Executive Team to develop a culture that facilitates excellence in digital services and systems across all Directorates within KMPT
Our ambitions are bold and our motivation to deliver first-class services to the people of Kent and Medway remains at the core of our work. Thank you for considering being part of our team. I very much look forward to reviewing your application.
Sheila Stenson, Designate Deputy Chief Executive / Executive Director of Finance

Director of Digital and Performance
Brilliant Care through Brilliant People
The Role
The post holder is the functional lead for the Trust in developing and implementing the Digital strategy, taking responsibility for IT resources and representing the Trust on IT matters as well as establishing relationships with IT partners, suppliers and other NHS and non-NHS bodies. The role of Director of Digital and Performance is pivotal to the success of the Digital Strategy. The Director will work closely with the Executive and Senior Leadership Teams to develop a culture that facilitates excellence in digital services and systems across all Directorates within the organisation.
Key responsibilities will include:
- Develop and implement multi-million-pound investment plans and business cases for developments in line with the digital plans, programmes and roadmap.
- Support the design and delivery of the Trust’s change programme through technical and digital innovation.
- Establish IT as a key enabler and an integral part of the Trust’s strategies and business plans
- All aspects of IT management and control, including supervision of information technology employees (circa 50 in IT and 10 in Performance teams)
- Budget preparation and management, delivery of efficiencies recommendations for technical acquisitions, and development of guidelines, standards and procedures.
- Business continuity and disaster recovery are essential and included components of this role.
Your background is not important to us. What is important is that you have experience in/of:
- IM&T / Performance and Informatics
- managing large and complex change projects
- of managing large and complex IT programmesand financial management of multi-million-pound investment
- of strategic planning and Digital and Informatics strategy development
- of significant IT procurement and negotiation
KMPT welcomes applications from NHS, local authority, third sector and private sector candidates.
Candidate Information PackHow To Apply
Kent and Medway NHS Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) is very keen to discuss the newly created role of Director of Digital and Performance with experienced ICT / digital leaders who have the requisite experience, skills and resilience as well as the relationship building and inspirational leadership capabilities to support Sheila Stenson and the staff of KMPT. You will be a be a key member of the Senior Leadership Team in transforming KMPT and ensuring it provides the best possible mental health and learning disability services to the 1.8 million population of Kent and Medway.
Your background is not important and KMPT welcomes candidates from the NHS, local authority, third and private sector candidates.
It’s an exciting and challenging time for KMPT and its partner organisations. If you would like to play a valuable part in the future of the organisation, we would very much like to hear from you.
To confidentially discuss the role in further detail, please contact:
Laurence Wolahan James Laing
M: 07985 443 826 T : 0333 010 2775
E: E :
Campaign dates:
Closing date: 6th November 2022
Preliminary interviews: W/C 14th November 2022 (Virtual)
KMPT First interview: 25th & 28th November 2022 (Virtual)
KMPT Formal interviews: 1st December 2022 (In person)
The above dates are subject to change