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Deputy Headteacher Role Highshore School

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Dear Applicant

Thank you for the interest you have shown in becoming Deputy Headteacher at our fantastic school. This vacancy has arisen as a result of our previous Deputy retiring after a very successful and fulfilling career.

I hope that the information on this site gives you a flavour of who we are and I encourage you to also look at our school website to familiarise yourself with the organisation of the school and the extensive range of activities offered to our children and young people.

This is a very exciting time for Highshore School. Our roll has become increasingly complex. Our sixth form has grown and now comprises over fifty pupils. We are oversubscribed and there is high demand for places here.

We are a Challenge Partners school. We are members of the SSAT SEN network, the South London Teaching School Association, SWALSS (South West Association of Leaders in Special Schools). Over the past four years, five members of support staff have qualified as teachers through school based PGCEs.

The majority of our pupils are from Southwark LA but we also have pupils from other boroughs. All our pupils have an EHCp plan / statement of SEN. Classes are usually made up of 8 or 9 pupils and are supported by between one and three teaching assistants depending on the needs of the pupils.

Our most recent OFSTED report (November 2017) recognised that Highshore is a good school. We believe that we are an excellent school that provides opportunities for every pupil to become healthy, happy and confident individuals. We want colleagues to join us who are passionate about working with young people with learning disabilities and who are committed to helping us continue to improve. We have a passionate and creative staff and there are many opportunities here to innovate and to lead.

We are ambitious to improve further and want to appoint a Deputy Head who is excited by our vision and supportive of our values and aims. You will join a committed and creative senior team and staff who are passionate about giving our young people the best possible opportunities. As a school we are committed to supporting the wellbeing of our staff an your professional development will also be a priority.

Please look at our website, our prospectus which is available to download on the website and our two Twitter feeds, @HighshoreSchool and @MadeatHighshore, to get a flavour of our school.

I would welcome informal conversations with interested colleagues and that can be arranged by contacting our recruitment partner, Martin Blair at Hays Leadership Appointments. Martin is also available for a private and confidential discussion about the role or advise on making an application.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Eileen Ollieuz


About Us

About us

Highshore is a happy, ambitious and creative school. It is a mixed 11-19 school for pupils with complex mixed needs. The school is popular and oversubscribed with 149 pupils on roll who have a variety of needs including ASD, Speech Language and Communication, Complex Medical Needs and Down’s Syndrome.

Many have significant learning difficulties. The majority of pupils have speech and language difficulties. A large number of pupils need support with activities of daily living. Highshore is a signing school, with Makaton signing used in many of the classes to facilitate communication.

Highshore Vision

The shared values at Highshore are that we are all equal. We are fair. We are kind and we treat others as we want to be treated.

Highshore Aims

The aims of Highshore are for pupils to develop their:

  • Fichier 1026


  • Fichier 1026

    Self – help skills

  • Fichier 1026


Apply Section

The Opportunity - Deputy Headteacher


How To Apply

For further information, an informal and confidential discussion about the role or to discuss the application process please contact Martin Blair at Hays Leadership Appointments.

Contact: Martin Blair

Mobile: 07736791138



L16 – L20


Closing date: 8am, Monday 8th November

Interviews: 23rd and 24th November

Start date: Ideally April 2022, but our priority is to recruit the best candidate and an alternative start date can be discussed



Highshore School, Farmers Rd, London SE5 0TW

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