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Headteacher Vacancy
Hawthorns School

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Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in the post of Headteacher at Hawthorns School. I hope that after considering all of the information that we have provided, and as a result of your own research, you will be inspired to make a formal application for this exciting role.

Hawthorns is an outstanding primary special school with an excellent reputation in the local community. The school supports pupils with a range of SEND needs, most particularly with language and communication challenges. Demand for places is high, and the school has tripled in size in the last 6 years. There are currently 220 pupils on roll spread across 4 sites within Tameside, and this number will rise to 230 in September 2024. This is a really exciting time for a new leader to take up post. Hawthorns will be moving into a new £20 million purpose-built school building based in Mottram-in-Longdendale in 2024, when all its settings will be coming together on one site. 

Hawthorns has well-developed curriculum and assessment frameworks, based around a number of pathways supporting specific pupil needs. The profile of new admissions changes year on year, and the school is highly responsive to this, making adaptations and being open to new ideas. The school has a strong, committed and capable staff team and there is a mature culture of on-going training and development for everyone. The new school will have training facilities, and there are plans for the school to offer further support and training to other schools in the near future. The school is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects in order to secure the very best offer for its pupils, and our new leader will need to share and build on this approach. Questions and challenge are perceived as positive contributors to the process of improvement, and the school is looking for someone who can demonstrate an open and enquiring mind. Hawthorns is never complacent.

The pupils at Hawthorns enjoy coming to school, and their attendance rates are higher than national averages. They say they want their Headteacher to be fun, kind and approachable. Relationships with children and their families are strong, and this is vital to the work staff undertake in school. Hawthorns is committed to working in a co-productive way with families, to understand the particular challenges they face, and to support them as much as it is able. We are looking for a school leader who understands this very important aspect of the school’s work, and who will be committed to building on the co-production foundations currently in place.

If you are an experienced senior leader with an interest in SEND, and you have a track record of sustained improvement, then this role offers an excellent opportunity for you and we welcome your interest.

If you are interested in becoming our next Headteacher, please contact Martin Blair at Hays Leadership on 07736791138 or at for a private and confidential discussion about the role or to arrange a visit to the school.

Clare John

CEO, New Bridge Trust

About Us

About Us

Hawthorns School is an outstanding special school with an excellent reputation in the local community. It supports pupils with a range of SEND, most particularly children with language and communication challenges. Hawthorns has well-developed curriculum and assessment frameworks, based around a number of pathways supporting specific pupil needs. Pupils enjoy coming to school, and their attendance rates are above national averages. Hawthorns prioritises staff training and development to secure high-quality provision, and a culture of constant improvement is embedded within the school's ethos. Staff are committed to their work and to the children, and retention rates are very high. The school is well-resourced and its finances are in a healthy position. With the support of the New Bridge Multi-Academy Trust, there is a secure platform for further development and success.

New Build

This is an exciting moment for a new leader with a strategic mindset to take the school into the next chapter of its journey. Following a period of rapid growth in recent years, the main school and its three satellite provisions in Tameside will be coming together in a new school building based at Mottram in Longdendale. This 230 pupil facility is due to open in September 2024. The new school will create further opportunities to develop provision, to offer training and advice to other schools, and to cement the role that Hawthorns plays in support of its pupils and their families.

New Bridge Trust

New Bridge Multi-Academy Trust is a vibrant, aspirational and inclusive multi-academy trust of six special schools and two specialist post-16 provisions across Oldham, Tameside and Rochdale. As part of the wider New Bridge Group there are also a two post-19 provisions. All of the children and young people have an EHCP with the settings supporting a wide spectrum of needs from age 4-19 and beyond. The Trust is proud to be national leaders in Special Education and has a culture of creating outstanding opportunities for all. New Bridge formed as a MAT in 2014 and is now entering the next stage of its evolution with Clare John taking up post as its new CEO in September 2023.

You can find out more about the school at and about the trust at



Current Site

Hawthorns School

Lumb Lane



M34 5SF

New Site

Manley Grove


SK14 6PJ


The Role - Headteacher

Core Purpose

  • To provide inspirational and professional leadership to staff which secures an outstanding education for students at Hawthorns School.
  • To work in partnership as a lead member or attendee at local governing board / Trustee meetings and with other stakeholders to fulfil the aims of the school.
  • To further develop and promote the work of Hawthorns School and demonstrate a strong knowledge of the wider educational system.
  • To lead and contribute to the school led system

Key Documents


L23 – L27. The starting salary will be negotiable dependent upon experience.


Closing date – 8am on 19th February

Interviews – 26th and 27th February

Start date – September 2024 or sooner in discussion with the appointed candidate

How To Apply

For further information, an informal and confidential discussion about the role, to arrange a visit to the school or to discuss the application process please contact Martin Blair at Hays Leadership Appointments.

Martin Blair
Hays Leadership Appointments
Tel: 07736791138