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Job opportunities with Harborne Academy

in Birmingham

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About us

Welcome to Harborne Academy, we are the first unique specialist Health and Science Academy to be formed in Birmingham. Harborne Academy is a four form entry school with 120 students in each age group from 11-16.

We aim to provide our students with an outstanding educational experience during their time at the Academy.

In March 2013, we moved into our state-of-the-art new building, our wonderful new learning environment was designed specifically for our specialised subjects. We also opened an exclusive brand new Samsung Digital Academy in September 2014.

The investment by Samsung has given teachers and students access to outstanding cutting edge technology. Within the academy we offer exciting free training for all Teachers, the workshops cover Teaching in a Digital World, The Connected Classroom, Teaching Computing at Key Stage 2, Teaching Computing Key Stage 3.

Our vision

To create an environment in which every student achieves their full academic potential, by developing students to have confidence, self esteem and ambition to live a happy and successful life.

ACHIEVE your full potential by being challenged by inspiring teachers.

STRIVE to be the best you can be both, personally and academically.

PREPARE you for higher education and employment and give you a passion for life-long learning.

INNOVATE and be creative by accessing an engaging and exciting curriculum.

RESPECT yourself and others by learning about British values and learning about other cultures.

EMPOWER you by ensuring that Student voice at Harborne Academy is vibrant and meaningful.

Our mission

Aspire – Believe – Achieve

Harborne Academy has at its core the pursuit of the highest possible educational standards. Our learning community has high aspirations with relentless belief which leads to outstanding achievement.

To raise expectations and standards in an inspirational environment which delivers excellence for all our students.

“Pupils feel safe in school. Bullying is rare and pupils trust adults to deal with any that occurs.” Ofsted 2016



Message from Mr Andrew Cleaves, Principal and Chief Executive, Birmingham Metropolitan College

‘Birmingham Metropolitan College is proud to be sponsoring Harborne Academy. Our approach to the Academy is based on providing a good quality education which encourages high aspirations in learners. We aim to drive innovation so that learners are able to respond in a changing world, where it is vital they have the skills to represent themselves in all aspects of their lives.

Our ethos will be to offer a personalised approach, to cater for each individual’s needs and our focus will be on closing the gap on current and future skills shortages in order to improve the life chances for our young people. We have supported the Academy in building an inspiring learning environment for our learners which we also want parents and the wider community in the local area, to be able to use for a range of community activities.

The first-class learning environment includes The Harborne Academy: Samsung Professional Development Centre (PDC) which creates a cutting-edge facility allowing tutors and students to be at the forefront of acquiring up-to-date technological skills. Alongside the facilities we have also been developing our curriculum to provide appropriate learning pathways for students to develop the skills they need within an increasingly highly technologically scientific world.'

The Academy can access links with universities such as Aston University, Birmingham City University, Coventry University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Staffordshire University, University of Wolverhampton and University of Worcester.


The Science and Health specialism has been chosen as the focus for the Academy, providing opportunities for developing the post-16 curriculum through linking with Birmingham Metropolitan College’s provision including podiatry, pharmaceutical, dental technology, dental nursing, health science and health and social care.

“The sixth form is improving. Students’ personal development is good and their academic progress is improving.” Ofsted 2016


Years 7 & 8 – English +

Year 7 English + is a unique and truly innovative beginning to a child’s secondary school experience. At the heart of English + is the expectation that each child will make aspirational progress no matter what their starting point. The focus of the school within a school is to make the transition from primary to secondary school easier, and to build the foundations for learning through an emphasis on the development of basic and soft skills.

Mathematics, Science, French, PE, Arts, and Technology are taught separately but linked into the themes delivered by English +. SMSC, PSHE and British Values are integrated into our schemes and taught cross-curricularly; alongside literacy and numeracy.

We extended English + into year 8 from September 2014. It means students are taught Humanities, Arts, Technology and English through a project-based and thematically driven curriculum. In year 9, students continue to study subjects within the national curriculum framework. SMSC, PSHE and British Values are integrated into our schemes and taught cross-curricularly; alongside literacy and numeracy.

In Year 9, students start thinking about their GCSE options for Key Stage 4, years 10 and 11.

Years 10 and 11

We offer students a broad range of GSCE’s subjects which allows them to select subjects that will provide further study or in apprenticeship training for employment. We also offer BTEC Vocational level 2 in Health and Social care and sport.

Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form is a specialist Academy for Careers in the Medical Professions and offers a science based curriculum including AS/A Levels and vocational courses for sixth formers to support their aspirations for careers in the medical professions. BTEC level 3 and Applied Science.

The Academy has a range of qualifications that will all meet the entry requirements for University application, progression into a range of career pathways or Apprenticeship employment.

“The sixth form is improving. Students’ personal development is good and their academic progress is improving.” Ofsted 2016

Post 16

We believe studying at the Academy will provide a first-class learning experience in which every learner will be supported to reach their full potential.


  • Preparation for university entrance
  • Regular parents consultation evenings
  • Student progress reports twice per year
  • Frequent contact with parents/ carers and a culture of working together in the best interests of your child

Facilities and partnerships

  • A ‘state of the art’ new building opened in October 2013
  • Outstanding facilities which are amongst the best in the UK
  • Links and partnerships with NHS Trusts, hospitals and medical practitioners
  • Strong links with health technology employers
  • Long-established links with local universities and local medical providers

Trips and visits and extra-curricular activities

  • A range of clubs and societies are available to enhance CV’s and personal statements for future progression
  • Open University studies are available in some cases alongside mainstream courses
  • Participation in regional maths competitions
  • The chance to enjoy enhancement activities such as Birmingham’s Big Bang – an annual science based event

Our future

This is an exciting time for both staff and students at Harborne Academy, our state-of-the-art facilities and modern environment is designed to allow every child to achieve their full potential.

“The headteacher, supported by senior leaders and governors, has a clear vision for improving the school and this is shared by pupils, parents and staff.” Ofsted 2016

We are committed to delivering an outstanding education where each student is able to achieve the highest possible academic outcomes.

We are looking for innovative and dynamic staff who share our vision and values. If this is you we are very excited to hear from you.