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What our staff say

Mrs BeardmoreMrs Beardmore - Head of Music

“I have worked at Gretton School since 2015. Not only does the school provide great challenges and opportunities for teachers in terms of curriculum development and planning but also it provides a great sense of pride and achievement in your work. In the twenty years that I’ve been a teacher, I’ve not worked anywhere where you feel so valued for your skills and ideas. Gretton staff are very much a squad and motivate and encourage everyone in all aspects, both in school and socially. Gretton School encourages and cares about your work-life balance. This understanding of the pressures of family life is one of the many reasons that I love being a part of Gretton. After working in mainstream education for 17 years, this approach, alongside the real opportunity to educate fantastic students, is both refreshing and inspiring.”

Boarding StaffBoarding Staff Comments

"Gretton is such a fun place to work, no two days are the same and there is a real family vibe with all the staff that work here!"

"I love working in residential because it gives me a rounded experience of the students’ lives. There’s always a new challenge, and you have to constantly adapt your approach. Every day is different for our young people, but residential staff get even more insight into this because we’re there for the aftermath of school, guiding the structure of the evening and working alongside the young people so they can achieve goals that are broader than schoolwork. Respecting the needs and choices of Gretton’s young people is essential to both school and residential, but in residential we get more time and opportunity to think about how students will progress beyond academics, what they need to achieve to live independently one day, and what a good day looks like for them. The young people here will make you laugh, test your patience, and reward you beyond belief in the moments when you can step back and see the positive relationships you have built."

"I get out of bed every morning because of the young people I work with, but I stay in school through all the challenges because of the team of staff constantly acting as a safety net for each other. Everyone leaves their ego at the door, and staff work together in order to figure out the best way to support the students. We collaborate, rather than compete. By working around staff who care about each other, students are invited into conversations and shown examples of positive relationships. I’ve never felt more supported, and I can’t recommend working here enough if you’re ready to dedicate every day to being part of a team.”

Mrs EastonMrs Easton - Head of Art

“I have worked at Gretton since February 2011. When I joined there were just 5 pupils! The school is like a big family and I feel privileged to be part of it. The class sizes are very small and so we know each student as a person. When I think of each individual I remember conversations that we have had, shared memories and the project work they have produced. When a student is experiencing a challenging moment; it is just a moment in time because we see the bigger picture.

I love the fact that I teach all of the primary students and many students continue with art right through the school until they leave at the end of sixth form. Over the years I watch them blossom and mature so when I see the tall teenagers towering over me I have a documentary in my mind remembering annual sports days, school productions, trips and a multitude of other snapshots of their childhood memories. This is what makes the job so rewarding. It's a very personal place and therefore attracts very special people to work here. The staff are incredibly calm and caring and think carefully and creatively about how they can best help the students on their academic, social and emotional journeys. I have the utmost respect and admiration for our staff body who are the backbone and help make Gretton the special place that it is.”

Ms Harrison Ms Harrison - Deputy SENDCo

"I’m really enjoying being part of Gretton. The new experiences I have had here, together with the support I’ve received from colleagues has helped me to develop professionally and grow in confidence in a short space of time. The support from staff has been above and beyond my experience in previous schools and I feel I have learnt a great deal since September.

I continue to be encouraged by the culture of positivity at Gretton School and would go as far as to say that working here has helped me rekindle my sense of humour and self-belief.”



Gretton School

Manor Farm Rd,
United Kingdom