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Our Vision

Our vision for a new way of working

Service delivery

The Service Delivery area is focused on driving change and commercial growth, ensuring that all Council services respond to the new ways of working whilst constantly improving customer service, efficiency and embracing a fresh perspective on how best to support the delivery of the Council’s priorities.

“The Service Delivery area develops and leads a strong commercial ethos across the council and has oversight of Eastleigh’s vibrant creative industries (including two theatres), award winning country parks, customer services, waste collection services and a multi-million pound property portfolio."
Andrew Trayer, Corporate Director, Service Delivery

Strategy directorate

The new Strategy area comprises five key teams driving and responding to political ambition. These teams will ensure the aspirations of elected councillors, and the communities (our customers), are realised and that these ambitions are turned into evidence-based planned services, actions and projects that are delivered effectively and efficiently “on the ground.”

A key role of the Strategy teams will be to ensure the things the Council wants to achieve are well planned and that the whole organisation is focused on delivering these outcomes. This will include ensuring resources (finance and people) and effort are directed towards the Council’s priorities and ambitions and taken away from areas that are less important.

“The work of the Strategy teams will be planned and proactive, rather than reactive. The Strategy area focuses on working together to deliver single outcomes. A strong relationship with other parts of the Council is therefore imperative to ensure effective service delivery, as is identifying and forming strong partnerships with other organisations.” - Natalie Wigman, Corporate Director, Strategy

Support services

The Support Services area will focus on providing business like and efficient support and advice to teams across the Council, in order to improve performance and support them in delivering the Council’s ambitions.

It will ensure there is robust planning and management to support the delivery of the Council’s objectives through statutory and compliant legal and financial services, digital services, HR matters and PA support to the Management Team, the Mayor and the Leader of the Council. It will also provide support for the Governance and Democratic Service Team in Strategy in the management and delivery of committees and meetings, elections and the Mayoralty function. Support Services will provide an efficient, professional service to its internal customers and manage cases to support the needs of these customers.

“The Support Services area is the support function for internal customers across the Council. It comprises three key functions; specialists, business partners and case management to provide support and advice to teams. As part of our new ways of working some of the processes within Support Services will become self-service activities for all staff and managers through the intranet, enabling our workforce to do more for themselves." - Sarah King, Corporate Director, Support Services

High level structure
