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Droylsden Academy
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Meet the team
What do you like about working here?
I enjoy working alongside hard-working resilient people. My team are brilliant and they really motivate me and each other.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
I have always been shown/provided advice on how to do new things by my line manager. There isn’t a question I wouldn’t be able to ask him. Due to his good practice I am able to analyse my own data well for example.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
I have built up the History department from scratch. On arrival there were very little resources. I have planned SOLs for all year groups, as well as designed new SOLs with the help from my team for KS4 due to curriculum changes.
Also, I oversee the RS department and this is a department that is flourishing. I set up RS GCSE this year and 16 students have signed up, hopefully we will have even more next year. Co-organised a very successful summer school in 2016
What are the students like to work with?
I love working with our students. They need reassuring a lot, but on the most part they are committed to their learning if they know you are. Mutual trust and respect combined with high standards really goes a long way with our students.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
N/A – organised a holocaust survivor to speak to Year 9.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Go for it. A very rewarding job! The school has turned around massively in the year I have been here, I look forward to seeing even more improvements.
How have you been developed professionally?
Yes, I have a role on SLG (Senior Leadership Group) where you work alongside a SLT member to help establish new initiatives in school. Also, I am currently on the Teaching Leaders programme which helps develop middle leaders.
What support do you get?
See Q2.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
Teaching leaders for now, unsure of what will come up in the future!
Tell me about your department.
Excellent, resilient, supportive, committed, creative, innovative, hard-working. I am very lucky to be a part of the Humanities faculty.
What do you like about working here?
The support I receive from every member of staff. We have all been on a journey and all appreciate the hard work that goes into the developing the school.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
Very much so. From everybody and not just members of my team. There is a real sense of comradery. That is not to say that we are passive in anyway. There is a balance which also allows for members of staff to be a “critical friend” this, I find, incredibly valuable in my development.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
Provided opportunities for students to develop their understanding of the arts and culture. Helped to direct shows which have fostered ambitious and confident students. Created training programmes to help support and develop other teachers.
What are the students like to work with?
Challenging and brilliant. They will not make it easier for you. They will challenge your subject knowledge and help you to hone a teaching style that works for both you and them. But they will reward you when they know that they have been challenged. They enjoy it!
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Three tiers of Drama club
- No Limits Drama Club Upstarts (30 mins at lunch time – once a week)
- No Limits Drama Club Juniors (1:30 mins after school once a week)
- No Limits Drama Club Seniors (2 hours after school once a week)
The Juniors take part in the Shakespeare School Festival every year and the Seniors take place in the National Theatre Connections Festival every year.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Be prepared to change and adapt. Be prepared to learn and understand that what you know will work as it is tried and tested may not be appropriate here. Be prepared to develop you skills to new levels and be supported all the way.
How have you been developed professionally?
Absolutely, I was lucky enough to be placed on the two year long Teaching Leaders Programme which has been extremely beneficial.
What support do you get?
Answered above
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
I believe here at Droylsden Academy there are many opportunities. The school is in a state of transition which currently makes it an exciting place to be. The challenges I face everyday help to hone my skills as a teacher and a middle leader. I feel that this can only put me in a good position for any future endeavours.
Tell me about your department.
I work with like minded and friendly people all with varying degrees of experience and specialism. What I enjoy most about my department is that it is an environment where we can each share our own expertise and make each other stronger together.
What do you like about working here?
The students are a pleasure to teach and behaviour is good. We have fantastic facilities and a great team of staff who are friendly and welcoming. SLT are very supportive. I also love the focus on constant improvement as it makes you feel confident that we are being led towards our goal of becoming an outstanding school.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
Everyone is so supportive in general, but specifically we have a varied programme of CPD sessions and experts in all areas (SEND, EAL etc) who are willing to help if required. We have a strong pastoral team who support both staff and students on a day to day basis and a visible leadership team who are always on hand to deal with any issues which arise.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
My Year 11 students last year achieved some fantastic results which I was very proud of. I have been promoted after completing my RQT year, arranged a number of extra curricular activities for the students and helped to raise aspirations for our pupils. I am proud of the schemes of learning which I have helped to design and plan and the assessments which I am responsible for in our department. I was also proud to be asked to lead a session during out recent inset day. I have also been asked to mentor a trainee this year and I am pleased that I am able to support her as she strives to become an outstanding trainee.
What are the students like to work with?
Fabulous. They are full of character and generally well behaved. Our improving school culture means that they are becoming more hard working, polite and independent. Some of our children are from very disadvantaged backgrounds and our no excuses policy means that more and more they are making the progress they deserve to make. We have made huge reductions in the number of detentions this year and students usually turn up on time, ready to learn and are polite. Homework is being handed in more regularly and, more and more, there is a buzz around the academy as our students get excited about their learning.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Our department run a breakfast study club for our Year 11 students twice a week. This year I have taken a group of students to Spaceport, a lecture at the University of Manchester and a three day residential to the LHC at Cern, Geneva. We are in the process of planning trips to the Manchester Museum, Jodrell Bank and a revision weekend combined with adventure training over Easter.
We are putting together a programme of events over Science Week and we have a STEM team from the Smallpeice Trust coming in to run sessions with our Year 8 students. We have links with the Ogden Trust and a Tameside and Manchester STEM hub and our stem club re-starts soon with a structured programme of activities culminating in a Crest Award for our participants.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Do it! If you want to work at a school on the up, with a strong vision of how we will succeed on our journey to be outstanding then you will love it here.
How have you been developed professionally?
- Regular CPD sessions
- Strong and useful INSET programme
- Regular line management meetings
- Exam board sessions
- Coaching during my NQT year
- Helpful subject and professional mentor during my NQT year
- Session on required practicals for triple science by an external agency
What support do you get?
Support from everywhere! SLT are visible and approachable, as is our head of department. We have a great team in the department with enthusiastic and committed staff. Our lab technicians are flexible and are more than happy to support in lessons during practical tasks. We have heads of year and year managers which means that you are fully supported with any pastoral issues. Our learning support department does so much work with our SEND students and are willing to work with us to develop strategies for success with these learners. Our site staff are also willing to help with anything asked of them and do a fabulous job in keeping our school clean, well maintained and a pleasant environment in which to work.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
I’m not sure yet! I know that the Academy have always been supportive and encouraged me to take opportunities to improve my practice. I know that when future opportunities arise, I will be encouraged to take them.
What do you like about working here?
I thoroughly enjoy my job. The staff work wonderfully together and they are very supportive of each other and the students are incredibly friendly and engaging young people.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
I have been encouraged to develop my leadership skills by being given the opportunity to take responsibility for a range of tasks within my department. The school has supported me in my wish to develop my practice by supporting my application for the Teaching Leader programme.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
I have been promoted into a role which I am very excited about. I will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of people and to develop the MFL department in our continual drive to improve the impact that we have on our students.
What are the students like to work with?
The students at Droylsden Academy are an exciting group of young people to work with. No day is ever the same and they will always surprise you. The students are very friendly and honest, they know what they need to do to make progress and are capable of working very hard to achieve this.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
I lead a group of language ambassadors who develop activities for use in promoting the study of languages. I have assisted in various charity activities and have arranged reward trips for my form group.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
I would advise anyone thinking about working at Droylsden Academy to visit and have a look around, meet our staff and our students and there will be no doubt in your mind that you would be entering a place where you would be happy to work. We work hard, but we are an incredibly supportive staff with a shared vision for the improvement of our Academy and all the students within it.
How have you been developed professionally?
I have attended regular CPD opportunities which enable me to plan better for the students in the school and improve my teaching practice. I have also been given the opportunity to work with a range of professionals ranging from subject specialists for moderation, to working with universities and Teach First colleagues in supporting a Teach First student and an NQT through their early careers. I have also been mentored and supported throughout my time at Droylsden Academy, to enable my professional progression into my current position where I have now taken on a promotion within my subject area.
What support do you get?
I have weekly line management meetings to discuss the progress of the MFL department and I know that if any issues arose I would be fully supported by a member of SLT.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
There are always new and engaging professional development sessions being offered by the school and I look forward to taking part to continue to help develop the success of the school and improve my practice.
Tell me about your department.
The MFL department is hardworking department who are currently working to provide our learners with an engaging and challenging curriculum. We work collaboratively to ensure the best for our leaners.
What do you like about working here?
Our students are fantastic with lovely personalities. Our staff are very supportive and encourage each other to develop as professionals.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
Very well, I feel my views are considered and I am able to shape my role to suit my strengths.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
Improvements within the Art Department and raising the profile of the Art subjects within the Academy. Working with students to help them reach their full potential and become confident and ambitious.
What are the students like to work with?
Open minded, imaginative, polite, friendly, and positive
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
After school Art & Photography sessions for KS4
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Working at the Academy is a great opportunity to really make a difference to student’s lives. You will be fully supported and there are lots of professional development opportunities to enable you to progress in your role. It is an exciting environment for both students and staff as we are striving to become an outstanding school.
How have you been developed professionally?
My roles have changed since joining the Academy and I am being developed and supported not only to become an outstanding teacher but also to become an effective leader.
What support do you get?
Support from my SLT lead through weekly line management meetings, the Technology & Art team, all members of SLT, students services and office staff.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
- Leading Technology & Art to become an outstanding department
- Subject specific professional development such as extending my skill set
- Working more with the local community
Tell me about your department.
Our department includes 6 different subject areas; Art, Business Studies, Computing, F&N, Photography & Product Design. I have the pleasure of working alongside 5 professionals in their areas of expertise. We also have 3 technicians who provide invaluable support to the department. Our facilities for practical work and ICT are excellent. We are a rapidly improving department with a bold vision for the future of our learners.
What do you like about working here?
Friendly atmosphere, mutual respect between staff and students, support from colleagues and a positive culture within the Academy.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
During my time at Droylsden I have been supported immensely. The quality assurance is rigorous, however, it provides staff with feedback to develop their practice. I started initially as a volunteer fresh out of university and the Academy provided me with an opportunity to start my teacher training (fully funded). I feel the SLT team and other colleagues are continuously providing me with support to become a highly skilled practitioner.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
Having the opportunity to take students who I have taught and then refine their specific skills to allow them to compete against students from other schools in competition. I not only get satisfaction from watching them apply the skills that I have taught them but also the many success stories where they have been successful in winning. Every time, students are a credit to the Academy modelling the values of Politeness, Hard Work and Honesty.
What are the students like to work with?
Honest and Polite. They are also Hardworking – IF YOU HAVE PLANNED CORRECTLY and they are challenged in your lesson.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Within PE we have different sport clubs every evening after school. We also attend regular Tameside School Sports competitions providing the students with the opportunity to compete against students from other schools in the borough.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Join, why wouldn’t you?
How have you been developed professionally?
I have progressed from a volunteer, a TA within the department, a trainee teacher to finally achieving Qualified Teacher Status. At the start of this Academic year my hardwork was also rewarded with more responsibility within my department, taking more of a lead role and helping others develop their practice and also mentoring a Trainee.
What support do you get?
As much as I need. All the staff are approachable and any queries that you have are addressed. Staff training is also made available to develop specific aspects of your practice.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
I have just been provided with the opportunity of having more responsibility and taking more of a leadership role within my department. I feel when the time is right I would also like to progress even further with the possibility of running the department or having more responsibility within the Academy not just my department area.
Tell me about your department.
I could not wish to work with a better group of people, both on a professional and social level. They are just as hard working as I am and we work towards the common goal of not only making Droylsden Academy outstanding, but also making the PE Department outstanding as well. We share resources, provide each other with feedback and provide ongoing, non-judgemental learning walks to develop our own practice.
What do you like about working here?
The most satisfying part of working at Droylsden Academy is the ethos of hard-work, honesty and politeness. They are not just buzz-words; our students embody these ideals and the school culture is a pleasure to be a part of.
have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
I have been supported in more ways than I can list. I started as a Teach First trainee and was able to develop, not with, but because of, the support of the Academy. The Academy drives to develop not only is students, but also its staff and new opportunities for personal developed arise each and every day.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
I led a year 10 film project which won the Cambridge University Press’ Filming Shakespeare competition. Our students worked so hard and deserve the recognition that comes with success.
What are the students like to work with?
Our students are very polite and charismatic. They have a knack for making me laugh when I probably shouldn’t and an infectious drive to succeed.
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Girls’ football, Filming Shakespeare, assisting in the KS4 learning zone in the English department.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Just spend five minutes here with our students and you’ll be convinced!
How have you been developed professionally?
The Academy offers regular CPD sessions. This was so essential and helpful in my first year in particular. Personally, I have been supported with understanding the new curriculum and learning how to ensure good progress for every child I teach.
What support do you get?
Initially, I had the support of a Subject Mentor and a Professional Mentor which was invaluable. Even today I know that, should I have any concerns, they will move Heaven and Earth to assist me. Issues of any sort are resolved at a staggering speed and as a member of staff I feel very well looked after.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
The Academy values hard-working, talented staff and wants them to achieve their true potential. I hope that a more senior position in my department arises in the future and the Academy are already helping me to be ready and at my best when it happens.
Tell me about your department.
The English department is a stalwart of the Academy. We are a well-oiled machine with fantastic GCSE results consistently achieved. Most notably, our team consists of so many unique individuals who live and breathe the subject. It’s both professionally rewarding and personally satisfying as we have a great deal of fun together.
What do you like about working here?
School in a challenging context working to transform the area and education of some of the most needy students
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
Extensive mentoring programme, coaching for staff at all levels. Funding for Masters Programme and Teaching Leaders development programme.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
Risen from inexperienced trainee teacher to highly skilled Science teacher and Head of Year. The school has developed my career and pushed me on.
What are the students like to work with?
Students are hardworking and well mannered, all the more impressive given the backgrounds of many
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Coaching a rugby team and many trips from school – such as taking them to Oxford University where I was once a student!
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
Come and see us in action, you will be convinced.
How have you been developed professionally?
The school supported my application for the Teaching Leaders programme and funded it for its 2 year duration. This was one of the most useful programmes of CPD I have received. There is high quality CPD delivered on a near fortnightly basis in school.
What support do you get?
SLT are very approachable and are keen to work with staff and support them – we’re a team, not us and them.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
Potentially further promotions and support on other development programmes e.g. Future Leaders
What do you like about working here?
I have been at the Academy since it first opened and I really enjoy working here. The staff are supportive and friendly and generally the students are extremely polite, hard-working and well behaved. The SLT team strive to move the school forward and are fully supported by the staff. The Academy is rapidly changing for the better and it is really exciting to be part of that change.
How have you been supported since joining Droylsden Academy?
Within the Maths department, we have developed a great culture of team work. We support each other with all aspects of our day-to-day work and often plan our lessons in pairs or small groups. The SLT team are also extremely supportive and have provided opportunities for training including encouraging me to participate in the Teaching Leaders program for middle leaders.
What have you done that you are proud of whilst working at Droylsden Academy?
I have been given many opportunities including mentoring new staff. We have an excellent record with Teach First with the overwhelming number of participants reaching ‘Outstanding’. Most recently, I completed the Teaching Leaders program and have been invited to join the SLG group. On a day-to-day basis I feel immense pride when I look around the Academy at the changes that have taken place with regards to student behaviour and progress.
What are the students like to work with?
In the vast majority of cases, students at the Academy are extremely polite and hard working. Visitors to the school often remark that they are surprised by just how good they are. As with all schools, there are occasional issues with behaviour but the clear behaviour management system means that it is extremely rare for poor behaviour choices to adversely affect student learning. Students here like to be given challenging work and if they make it to an Excel group, are extremely proud. We have high aspirations for them and these are starting to rub-off!
What extra-curricular activities do you get involved in?
Like nearly all teachers here, I run revision sessions which are very well attended. We also have an after-school Maths competition that I sometimes host. The students have a good sense of humour and seem to enjoy my cheesy jokes at these events. I have also taken part in quizzes against students, most notably a Doctor Who quiz, a Star Wars quiz and a Countdown competition.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Droylsden Academy?
This is a really great place to work. You would definitely need to be willing to collaborate with other teachers and be willing to listen to excellent constructive feedback from some highly skilled practitioners. You would need to be aware that although we have made good progress as an Academy, we are not resting on our laurels and we all work extremely hard every day.
How have you been developed professionally?
I have been encouraged and supported through the Teaching Leaders program for middle leaders. This led me through some extremely rapid professional development. I am now completing an NPQML. INSET days are always relevant, interesting, useful and are followed up. My teaching has improved through paired planning leading to some very successful observations.
What support do you get?
I know that I can rely on virtually any member of staff for support in the Academy. In the past I have asked for support from SLT, members of my department, other teachers and support staff and every time people will go out of their way to help.
What professional development and career opportunities do you think will be open in the future?
As our Academy continues to improve I would envisage us working more closely with other secondary and primary schools in the area. Based on our recent successes in developing new staff, I would imagine that there will be opportunities in this area. As we strive to move towards ‘Outstanding’ there will, no doubt be opportunities for staff in developing, mentoring and training others.
Tell me about your department.
The Maths department is currently the strongest department I have ever worked in. We work extremely well as a team. We are collaborative, supportive and creative and every member of the team is valued and heard. Our department is its own small community within the school, yet it is not cliquey; we get on well with all other staff in the school. There is no such thing as a stupid question. We communicate with each other daily and use a department bulletin to keep ourselves organised.