Welcome From The CEO
Welcome to the Great Schools Trust, we are a family of non-selective state schools serving children primarily across the Northwest of England.
Our Purpose
The Great Schools Trust was founded on international research and traditional values with a huge focus on character and leadership development.
Our vision is “To develop in each of our student the academic knowledge, intellectual habits, qualities of character and leadership traits necessary to succeed at all levels and become successful citizens in tomorrow’s world”.
We Believe
At the Great Schools Trust we believe every child can succeed and that great teaching is the key to that success. This sentiment is reflected in the motto of our academies, ‘Credimus’, which from the Latin means, “We believe”.
At the Great Schools Trust the following beliefs are fundamental to our philosophy:
We believe that all students have the ability to reach their potential and it is the job of all who work for the Trust to help this happen. We want our students, parents and communities to share our belief that anything is possible.
We believe that our curriculum should be based firmly on essential knowledge and traditional values, with a focus on outstanding learning. Our students have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities and extended school day to ensure that none fall behind.
We believe in appointing the very best teachers, leaders and staff who are committed to serving the students and parents in our communities.
We believe in having the highest expectations of ourselves and our students, to support this we have developed a culture of problem solving where challenges are replaced by solutions.
We believe that our academies exist to shape the life chances of all our students in order that they can attend the best Universities or places of employment in the years to come.
We believe in fully supporting our students throughout their education. The support systems in our academies ensures that both students and staff feel welcome and included as equal partners in the learning process.
We believe that the best way to prepare individuals for the future is through ‘Leadership’. By adopting this specialism, we provide opportunities for our students and staff to develop the character and skills required to contribute positively to their wider communities.

Shane Ierston