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Welsh Water

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About us

About us

Bath-times, half-times, party-times, meeting-times, and cooking-times. Our water brings Wales to life! It helps 3 million people stay healthy and clean every day. It keeps businesses running smoothly and life flowing along. At Welsh Water, we put every penny, every ounce of energy, and a lot of love into bringing Wales to life, by putting clean water into homes and businesses, and taking wastewater safely away.

We’re the engineers and scientists, rangers and customer advisors that keep the taps flowing and keep our customers happy. And we’re thousands of other incredibly diverse roles with National responsibility. All working to the highest standards of satisfaction.

In a business where safety and care for every colleague is never compromised. We’re in every community. And for every community. We’re Welsh Water. The people with the passion to bring futures to life in a business that brings Wales to life!

Nid-er-elw - yr unig gwmni dŵr o'i fath yn y DU. Does dim cyfranddeiliaid gyda ni. Mae hyn yn golygu'n bod ni'n gallu cadw biliau'n isel, ac ail-fuddsoddi pob un geiniog a wnawn i ofalu am eich dŵr a'ch amgylchedd prydferth - nawr, ac am flynyddoedd i ddod.

Ry'n ni'n credu ei bod hi'n ffordd well o lawer o wneud pethau, am ei fod yn caniatáu i ni gadw 3 miliwn o bobl yn iach bob dydd trwy ddarparu cyflenwadau diogel a dibynadwy o ddŵr, a mynd â’u dŵr gwastraff i ffwrdd i'w lanhau, a'i ddychwelyd yn ddiogel i'n hafonydd a'n moroedd prydferth wedyn.

Ein 3,000 o gydweithwyr yw rhai o'r bobl fwyaf medrus ac uchaf eu parch yn y diwydiant. Rydyn ni'n gweithio i wasanaethu cwsmeriaid yn y rhan fwyaf o Gymru, Sir Henffordd a chymunedau'r Gororau, boed yn gynghorwyr profiadau cwsmeriaid sy'n helpu cwsmeriaid gyda'u biliau, neu'n weithredwyr carthffosiaeth sy’n dadflocio ein pibellau. Rydyn ni'n angerddol am ein gwaith.

Wrth weithio dros Ddŵr Cymru, byddwch chi'n ymuno â chwmni llawn unigolion sy'n ymfalchïo yn eu gwaith ac yn y busnes. Mewn gwirionedd, byddem ni'n mynd mor bell â dweud fod gennym ddiwylliant unigryw - lle mae pobl wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu gwasanaethau cwsmeriaid rhagorol, a lle mae ansawdd wir yn bwysig - a gallech chi fod yn un ohonynt!

Yn gyfnewid, rydyn ni'n angerddol am ofalu am ein cydweithwyr, gan gynnig manteision a buddion sydd gyda'r gorau yn y diwydiant. Mae cyflogau, hawl i wyliau a seibiannau gorffwys yn gyson â'n buddion ein hunain o'r dechrau'n deg. Holwch Hays am fanylion pellach y buddion y byddant yn eu cynnig yn ystod eich amser gyda Dŵr Cymru.

Our Values

Our Values

We have made it our vision to earn the trust of our customers every day. It’s vitally important that we act responsibly as individuals and as an organisation at all times — not only when we are required to do so by law, but also generally, in our working lives.

We will deliver on our vision by living by our values and demonstrating the core behaviours that underpin them.

  • Open to new ideas
  • Equality for all
  • Honest with everyone
  • Excellence in everything we do
  • Proud to put customers first
  • Trusted to do the right thing
  • Safety takes every person

ED & I

A Company for All

We know that the most successful teams are the most diverse teams. Equality, diversity and inclusion provide the very foundation to our culture at Welsh Water.

We want every individual to feel confident, proud and able to bring their whole selves to work. To ensure an improved representation in our workforce, applications are particularly welcome from minority groups including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, Females, LGBT+, Non-binary and people with disabilities.



We have a wealth of benefits designed to support your physical and mental health, financial well-being and to enrich your work life, which include:

  • Financial Wellbeing Tools
  • Cycle to Work Scheme
  • Spend & Save
  • Employee Assistance Programme
  • Car Leasing
  • Buying Leave

Our bases


Our bases

At Welsh Water, we serve customers throughout most of Wales, Herefordshire and along the English borders. To ensure we can deliver the best service to all our customers, we have offices and depots across the country from which our skilled workers can provide help and advice.

In our depots, you will find our operational workers who can be seen working ‘out and about’. These roles can range from clean and wastewater Customer Resolution Officers, to Leakage Technicians and Estates teams.

Our offices provide a space for colleagues in our Billing department who can help with your payment queries, Developer Services who work to get you connected to our services, along with a number of experienced teams who work to keep Welsh Water running successfully.

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