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Diversity & Inclusion

At Smith & Williamson we believe that diversity of talent and ideas are vital to creating a positive work environment and delivering excellent client service.

We are committed to attracting, developing and retaining a wide range of talented people regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, beliefs or any other characteristic.

Women in Finance Charter

As part of our diversity and inclusion commitment, Smith & Williamson is proud to be a signatory of HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, which seeks to improve gender balance within the financial services sector.

Signatories to the Charter pledge to support the progression of women into senior roles, set measurable targets and to report publicly on delivery against the targets each year.

In striving for greater gender balance across our business the firm has set a target to increase the percentage of women in senior management roles to 30% by 2022.

When we signed up to the Charter on 31 July 2017 we reported that 24.94% of senior management roles at Smith & Williamson were held by women. By the end of August 2020 we are pleased to report that we had increased that number to 28.38%. Based on our progress to date we believe that we are on track to meet our Charter objective to increase the percentage of women in senior management to 30% by our deadline of 31 July 2022.

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An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> propsUtil.get(ucmLocaleKey)  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 19]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign locale = propsUtil.get(ucmLoc...  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 1]
1<div id="outer-footer" class="updatedFooter" style="padding-left: 0px; width: 1640px;"> 
2	 <div id="inner-footer-expert" class=""> 
3					<div id="footerLogo"> 
4					<#--<#if FooterLogo.getData()?? && FooterLogo.getData() != ""> 
5					<#assign footerLogoHTML = "${FooterLogo.getData()}"/> 
6					<#if (footerLogoHTML?length > 0)> 
7					${footerLogoHTML} 
8					<#else> 
9						<img src="https://www/hays.co.uk/cs/HaysMicroSites/assets/img/hayslogo.gif" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
10							footer logo"> 
11					</#if> 
12					</#if>--> 
13					<#assign haysLogo = propsUtil.get("HAYS_LOGO")/> 
14					<img src="${haysLogo}" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
15							footer logo" style="max-width:200px!important;margin:0px 15px;"> 
16					</div> 
17					<div id="footerLogo-Links"> 
18					<#if Link.getSiblings()?has_content> 
19							<#list Link.getSiblings() as cur_Link> 
20							<#if cur_Link.getData()?? && cur_Link.getData() != ""> 
21									<#assign linkData = "${cur_Link.getData()}"/> 
22												${linkData} 
23							</#if> 
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27					<#assign ucmLocaleKey = themeDisplay.getLocale()+"."+siteType+"."+"ucmLocale"> 
28<#assign locale = propsUtil.get(ucmLocaleKey)/> 
29<#assign apiUrl = propsUtil.get("WEB72_API_DOMAIN")/> 
31<#assign lr74CutoverCountryCode = propsUtil.get("LR74_CUTOVER_COUNTRY_CODE")/> 
32<#if lr74CutoverCountryCode??> 
33<#list lr74CutoverCountryCode?split(",") as countryCode> 
34 <#if countryCode = themeDisplay.getLocale()?keep_after_last("_") > 
35    <#assign apiUrl = propsUtil.get("API_DOMAIN")/> 
36 </#if> 
42<#if httpUtil.URLtoString(apiUrl+"/o/HaysContentStructure/getcontentstructure/expertFooter/"+locale)??> 
43<#assign response = httpUtil.URLtoString(apiUrl+"/o/HaysContentStructure/getcontentstructure/expertFooter/"+locale)> 
44<#assign responseObj = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(response)> 
45<#assign getResponseResultArray = responseObj.getJSONArray("results")> 
46<div id="footer-bottom"> 
47 <#if getResponseResultArray.length() gt 0> 
48 <#assign siteUrl = getResponseResultArray.get(0).siteUrl> 
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53 	<div class="row single-col gpHeading"> 
54	 <div class="col col-12">   
55		 <nav> 
56			<ul> 
57			<#list 0 ..< groupHeadingArr.length()?number as i> 
58			    <#if groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link?starts_with("/")> 
59			     <#assign linkUrl = siteUrl + groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link> 
60					<li> 
61						<a href="${linkUrl}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a> 
62					</li> 
63				<#else> 
64				    <li> 
65						<a href="${groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a> 
66					</li> 
67				</#if> 
68			</#list> 
69			</ul> 
70		  </nav> 
71		 </div> 
72	  </div> 
73	 <#elseif getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")??> 
74	 <#assign FooterLinkArr = getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")> 
75	 <div class="row single-col"> 
76		<div class="col col-12">   
77		 <nav> 
78			<ul> 
79			<#list 0 ..< FooterLinkArr.length()?number as i> 
80			     <#assign linkUrl = FooterLinkArr.get(i).FooterLink?replace("href=\"/", "href=\""+siteUrl+"/" ) > 
81					<li> 
82						${linkUrl} 
83					</li> 
84			</#list> 
85			</ul> 
86		  </nav> 
87		 </div> 
88	  </div> 
90	 </#if> 
91		<div class="row single-col"> 
92			<div class="col col-12"> 
93	    	<p class="last">${getResponseResultArray.get(0).CopyrightHTML}</p> 
94			</div> 
95		</div> 
96	</#if> 
103					<div id="copyright-text"> 
104						 <#if CopyrightText?? && CopyrightText.getData()?? && CopyrightText.getData() != ""> 
105				${CopyrightText.getData()} 
106				</#if> 
107					</div> 
108	</div> 
112    if((Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLanguageId() != "en_GB") && (location.href.indexOf("/web/") != -1)) { 
113	console.log("link update required on the site"); 
114	$('a').each(function(index) { 
115		var layoutRelativeUrl = Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLayoutRelativeURL(); 
116        var getSiteUrl = layoutRelativeUrl.substring(0, layoutRelativeUrl.lastIndexOf("/")); 
117		var linkVal = $(this).attr("href"); 
118		if((typeof linkVal !== "undefined") && linkVal.indexOf("https") == -1 && linkVal.indexOf("/")!= -1 && (linkVal.indexOf("/") === linkVal.lastIndexOf("/"))){ 
119		var updatedLink = getSiteUrl + linkVal ; 
120		$(this).attr("href", updatedLink) 
121		console.log("link updated - " + updatedLink); 
123	}); 