Working Together to Change Lives
With over 35 years' experience, Spectrum provides expert, specialist care services for autistic adults and children.
Please let me introduce myself, my name is Mary Simpson, and I am the Chief Executive Officer at Spectrum an autism Charity based in Cornwall.
At Spectrum we are looking for kind, compassionate and committed individuals to join our teams to enrich the lives of autistic adults and children. At Spectrum we see the person, not the autism. We are committed to ensuring these individuals have the same opportunities to be active members of our society and to live a rewarding a fulfilling life. You could make all the difference in an autistic person’s life, and you could also make a positive difference in yours.
At Spectrum we offer a clear career path and training to build on your skills along with specialist autism training.
Have you previously worked in adult social care? Have you left the professional and want to return? Are you unqualified but interested in working in social care? We have opportunities in a number if our homes in Cornwall and some exciting developments in the very near future.
If you feel you could really make a difference and enjoy a challenging and rewarding career, we would love to hear from you!

Mary Simpson
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> propsUtil.get(ucmLocaleKey) [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 19] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign locale = propsUtil.get(ucmLoc... [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 1] ----
1<div id="outer-footer" class="updatedFooter" style="padding-left: 0px; width: 1640px;">
2 <div id="inner-footer-expert" class="">
3 <div id="footerLogo">
4 <#--<#if FooterLogo.getData()?? && FooterLogo.getData() != "">
5 <#assign footerLogoHTML = "${FooterLogo.getData()}"/>
6 <#if (footerLogoHTML?length > 0)>
7 ${footerLogoHTML}
8 <#else>
9 <img src="https://www/" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays
10 footer logo">
11 </#if>
12 </#if>-->
13 <#assign haysLogo = propsUtil.get("HAYS_LOGO_WEB2")/>
14 <img src="${haysLogo}" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays
15 footer logo" style="max-width:200px!important;margin:0px 15px;">
16 </div>
17 <div id="footerLogo-Links">
18 <#if Link.getSiblings()?has_content>
19 <#list Link.getSiblings() as cur_Link>
20 <#if cur_Link.getData()?? && cur_Link.getData() != "">
21 <#assign linkData = "${cur_Link.getData()}"/>
22 ${linkData}
23 </#if>
24 </#list>
25 </#if>
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32<#if lr74CutoverCountryCode??>
33<#list lr74CutoverCountryCode?split(",") as countryCode>
34 <#if countryCode = themeDisplay.getLocale()?keep_after_last("_") >
35 <#assign apiUrl = propsUtil.get("API_DOMAIN")/>
36 </#if>
42<#if httpUtil.URLtoString(apiUrl+"/o/HaysContentStructure/getcontentstructure/expertFooter/"+locale)??>
43<#assign response = httpUtil.URLtoString(apiUrl+"/o/HaysContentStructure/getcontentstructure/expertFooter/"+locale)>
44<#assign responseObj = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(response)>
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47<div id="footer-bottom">
48 <#if getResponseResultArray.length() gt 0>
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54 <div class="row single-col gpHeading">
55 <div class="col col-12">
56 <nav>
57 <ul>
58 <#list 0 ..< groupHeadingArr.length()?number as i>
59 <#if groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link?starts_with("/")>
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61 <li>
62 <a href="${linkUrl}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a>
63 </li>
64 <#else>
65 <li>
66 <a href="${groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a>
67 </li>
68 </#if>
69 </#list>
70 </ul>
71 </nav>
72 </div>
73 </div>
74 <#elseif getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")??>
75 <#assign FooterLinkArr = getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")>
76 <div class="row single-col">
77 <div class="col col-12">
78 <nav>
79 <ul>
80 <#list 0 ..< FooterLinkArr.length()?number as i>
81 <#assign linkUrl = FooterLinkArr.get(i).FooterLink?replace("href=\"/", "href=\""+siteUrl+"/" ) >
82 <li>
83 ${linkUrl}
84 </li>
85 </#list>
86 </ul>
87 </nav>
88 </div>
89 </div>
91 </#if>
92 <div class="row single-col">
93 <div class="col col-12">
94 <p class="last">${getResponseResultArray.get(0).CopyrightHTML}</p>
95 </div>
96 </div>
97 </#if>
105 <div id="copyright-text">
106 <#if CopyrightText?? && CopyrightText.getData()?? && CopyrightText.getData() != "">
107 ${CopyrightText.getData()}
108 </#if>
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110 </div>
114 if((Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLanguageId() != "en_GB") && (location.href.indexOf("/web/") != -1)) {
115 console.log("link update required on the site");
116 $('a').each(function(index) {
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118 var getSiteUrl = layoutRelativeUrl.substring(0, layoutRelativeUrl.lastIndexOf("/"));
119 var linkVal = $(this).attr("href");
120 if((typeof linkVal !== "undefined") && linkVal.indexOf("https") == -1 && linkVal.indexOf("/")!= -1 && (linkVal.indexOf("/") === linkVal.lastIndexOf("/"))){
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122 $(this).attr("href", updatedLink)
123 console.log("link updated - " + updatedLink);
124 }
125 });
126 }