

Penistone Grammar schoolPenistone Grammar schoolPenistone Grammar schoolPenistone Grammar school

Job opportunities with
Penistone Grammar School

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Thank you for your interest in Penistone Grammar School. As the Principal of Penistone Grammar School, I am very excited about our future and the learning opportunities now available to us.

Penistone Grammar School really is a special place to work. There’s no doubt that our amazing student body of over 1,900 and our state-of-the-art building, set in beautiful surroundings, make coming to work worthwhile. However, what really makes Penistone the school it is, is our staff. Our success as a school is directly attributable to the collaborative interaction and support between colleagues, complemented by a commitment to doing all they can for the benefit of each and every one of our students. We value the unique contribution each member of staff makes to our learning community.

As the Principal, I feel privileged to lead our school at a time when our students are excelling in all key stages. Our school culture is built around our 5 Core Values: Aim High, Be Brave, Be Determined, Be Proud and Be Supportive. We are also extremely proud of our Values Driven approach. We are a vibrant, oversubscribed 11 to 18 comprehensive school with excellent GCSE results across all subjects and are recognised as one of the highest performing schools in the region in terms of Key Stage 4 outcomes. Our A level results and destinations are equally impressive, with the school placed in the top 10% in the country for the last 3 years, and over 98% of students gaining entrance to their preferred choice of university in 2022.

We are proud of our rich tradition of excellence, striving to achieve the highest standards and to be at the heart of our community. Innovative and supportive, we bravely lead the way in delivering an educational experience that enables our students to be well rounded, confident individuals. We are a happy school, and we encourage our students to follow their interests, develop new skills and more importantly, fully enjoy everything that Penistone Grammar School has to offer.

We are committed to providing a first- class educational experience so that our students can follow their dreams and ‘never stop flying’ through life.

Mr Crook

Mr P Crook


Testimonial (home page footer)

“My favourite thing about Penistone is the students, without a doubt. The students are wonderful, they want to learn and they’re friendly. They inspire me to be the best teacher I can be.”

- Teacher of English

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Never stop Flying

Achieving Excellence through a Values Driven Education

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