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Connecting value.
Creating flow.

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Who we are

Who we are

Aquanima, 100% owned by Grupo Santander, is the Procurement division for the Bank. With extensive know-how in more than 120 purchase categories and over 350 specialists across multiple industries, it is a key player in positioning Santander as one of the most efficient banks in the world.

Founded in 2000 with its headquarters in Madrid, it has a presence in 11 countries worldwide and annually negotiates over $6bn in volume globally via more than 9,000 negotiations, generating savings for clients around the globe. This international presence permits the business to increase efficiency of the services it offers as well as share best-in-class practices worldwide.

As a leader in cost optimization, Aquanima’s core pillars are based on the following:

  • Expertise: Highly specialized individuals with indepth knowledge of multiple industries and categories
  • Transparency: Transparency and highest ethical standards across all areas of the purchasing process
  • Methodology: Robust methodology that has been tested and improved over the past 19 years

Whilst Aquanima’s core clients are the different divisions of the Santander Group, it also has an extensive external client base in some of the countries where it operates, across a wide range of industries. The business’ aims to provide premium, value added service as strategic partners of these clients throughout the entire procurement management process.


Help people and businesses prosper.

At Aquanima we always add value to our businesses.


To be the best open financial services platform by acting responsibly and earning the lasting loyalty of our people, customers, shareholders and society.


We are simple, efficient, agile and dynamic.

We are personal, close, expert and inspiring.

We are fair, committed and flexible.

What we offer

What we offer

Aquanima as a global company gives you the opportunity to join a multicultural team, learn about working with people from different cultures and create a collaborative environment.

We offer a competitive salary with an annual bonus, complemented with health insurance and great compensation benefits. The employee well-being is one of our priorities.

You will have the chance to work in an innovative and creative company, belonging to Santander’s group.

While on board, you’ll have flexibility and conciliation plans, it is very important to support your worklife balance.

One of our goals is to promote internal talent, promote your personal and professional development including many training actions that can lead you to achieve the goals and opportunities to grow up.

We'll value your commitment to our shared success and you’ll benefit from a dynamic, fast changing working environment with opportunities for career development and ongoing training and support.

Image of a lady holding a red mug and staring out of the window.

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Aquanima’s departments are located in Santander House in Milton Keynes.

201 Grafton Gate,
Milton Keynes
MK9 1AN,
United Kingdom


An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> propsUtil.get(ucmLocaleKey)  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 19]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign locale = propsUtil.get(ucmLoc...  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 1]
1<div id="outer-footer" class="updatedFooter" style="padding-left: 0px; width: 1640px;"> 
2	 <div id="inner-footer-expert" class=""> 
3					<div id="footerLogo"> 
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5					<#assign footerLogoHTML = "${FooterLogo.getData()}"/> 
6					<#if (footerLogoHTML?length > 0)> 
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9						<img src="https://www/hays.co.uk/cs/HaysMicroSites/assets/img/hayslogo.gif" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
10							footer logo"> 
11					</#if> 
12					</#if>--> 
13					<#assign haysLogo = propsUtil.get("HAYS_LOGO")/> 
14					<img src="${haysLogo}" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
15							footer logo" style="max-width:200px!important;margin:0px 15px;"> 
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21									<#assign linkData = "${cur_Link.getData()}"/> 
22												${linkData} 
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32<#if lr74CutoverCountryCode??> 
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34 <#if countryCode = themeDisplay.getLocale()?keep_after_last("_") > 
35    <#assign apiUrl = propsUtil.get("API_DOMAIN")/> 
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44<#assign responseObj = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(response)> 
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60					<li> 
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64				    <li> 
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73	 <#elseif getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")??> 
74	 <#assign FooterLinkArr = getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")> 
75	 <div class="row single-col"> 
76		<div class="col col-12">   
77		 <nav> 
78			<ul> 
79			<#list 0 ..< FooterLinkArr.length()?number as i> 
80			     <#assign linkUrl = FooterLinkArr.get(i).FooterLink?replace("href=\"/", "href=\""+siteUrl+"/" ) > 
81					<li> 
82						${linkUrl} 
83					</li> 
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87		 </div> 
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92			<div class="col col-12"> 
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104						 <#if CopyrightText?? && CopyrightText.getData()?? && CopyrightText.getData() != ""> 
105				${CopyrightText.getData()} 
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112    if((Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLanguageId() != "en_GB") && (location.href.indexOf("/web/") != -1)) { 
113	console.log("link update required on the site"); 
114	$('a').each(function(index) { 
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116        var getSiteUrl = layoutRelativeUrl.substring(0, layoutRelativeUrl.lastIndexOf("/")); 
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119		var updatedLink = getSiteUrl + linkVal ; 
120		$(this).attr("href", updatedLink) 
121		console.log("link updated - " + updatedLink); 
123	}); 