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Vice Principal opportunity North Liverpool Academy

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Welcome Section


Dear Candidate,

Welcome to North Liverpool Academy and thank you for your interest in our extraordinary school and the opportunity to contribute to the next phase of school development as Vice Principal.

I returned to the Northern Schools Trust team at NLA in the summer having spent four years away working as Headteacher in a large national Multi-Academy Trust. Previously I was the Founding Principal of the Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, one of the three schools in the Northern Schools Trust.

I’m excited to return to a trust whose organisational values and beliefs are in line with my own. Everyone in the trust works tirelessly to ensure the young people in our care access world class educational opportunities. Strong governance, exceptional resource management and high-quality leadership are strengths.

Our Academy is the largest school in the trust and provides a good quality education with many strong areas. The school has rapidly become the first choice of families in the North of Liverpool. We are heavily over-subscribed in Y7 and significant growth in post-16 provision. The team recognise that there is still a great deal we can improve and develop.

North Liverpool Academy has a reputation for innovation and imaginative curriculum delivery, challenging all staff to think creatively to maximise student progress. We are proud of the progress the school has made and particularly some of the top-class destinations our pupils progress to, including Oxbridge, University of Liverpool and others alongside apprenticeships and employment often in partner organisations.

The role of Vice Principal is very significant to the school and trust. It is vital that capable candidates are confident that this is the role for them. I would encourage you to arrange an informal visit to the school to meet myself and Emily (Principal) before applying if possible. Although it would be ideal for you to see the school in action, I recognise the challenge colleagues face being out of school at this time and so will try as much as possible to arrange a time which suits you.

We are looking for a strong leader with exceptional professional standards and a track record of influencing the team around them. Your ability to lead a team and influence colleagues as our highest priority. You will be able to effectively manage systems and processes as well as influence strategic decisions. Your specific areas of responsibility will be agreed on appointment.

Our school priorities include:

  1. Literacy and oracy improvement, particularly in KS3 to secure effective curriculum access
  2. Behaviour, ethos and culture development
  3. Continuous development of workforce professionalism and effectiveness
  4. Academic standards in KS4 and KS5
  5. Relentless improvement of quality of learning experience through curriculum evolution and quality first teaching

North Liverpool Academy is an opportunity and school for you to develop you leadership further. You will be confident in professionally challenging those around you to deliver the very best for our students. If you are interested please get in touch with Martin Blair at Hays Leadership on 07736791138 or at for a private and confidential discussion about the role.

I look forward to meeting you in due course.

Kind regards

Phil Lloyd Executive Principal

About Section

About us

North Liverpool Academy is an over-subscribed, exciting and dynamic inner-city, 11-18 comprehensive Academy with over 1350 students on roll. In recent years the Academy has enjoyed a period of significant drive and aspiration leading to an accelerated, secure and rising trend of student success. This has been achieved through meeting the needs of individual students and a relentless focus on teaching and learning.

The Academy opened in 2006 and is part of the Northern Schools Trust, along with Liverpool Life Sciences UTC and The Studio School. It is situated in state-of-the-art new buildings which provide a bright and motivational learning environment but it is the staff that makes the greatest difference for the students. They all share a passion for teaching and learning and are focused on improving their own pedagogy.

The mission statement of the Academy is Aspire, Experience, Community & Achieve and it provides a first-class education and equips students for 21st century learning – regardless of background or ability. It is truly a place for everyone.

North Liverpool Academy’s most recent Ofsted inspection in 2017 rated the school officially as a Good School, along with the improving trend in academic results confirms the school as one of the most improved in Liverpool.

Ofsted recognised the significant improvements and achievements made as well as the aspirational ambition of the academy. The inspectors praised the “highly effective leadership, clear vision, high standards” and “strong ambition” and emphasised that “the schools is well placed to continue improving”.

There is lots of further information available at

Vacancy Section

Vacancy details

The post holder’s main area of will be responsibility will be negotiated to support and compliment the strengths and areas of need within the SLT; however, whatever the specific responsibilities are, s/he will be the key driver in securing the highest possible quality of education.

The role is to provide vision, leadership and management for North Liverpool Academy (NLA) and to work in close partnership with the Principal in all key areas, to ensure that excellence across the Academy.

The Vice Principal will seek to further improve performance and development of the Academy, its students, staff and community.

S/he will deputise for the Principal when necessary and will have substantial line management responsibility in line with their position.

The Vice Principal will be a successful and experienced teacher, who enthuses motivates and inspires children, generating a love for learning.

The successful candidate will have demonstrable leadership experience at a senior level. S/he will have the management and communication skills to effectively influence others. S/he are able to provide professional challenge and effectively drive forward change. S/he has a track record of positive impact on the student outcomes that will translate to North Liverpool Academy.

Unquestionable professionalism and high expectations underpin strong teamwork and the capacity for hard work. S/he will be a creative thinker with an ability and determination to develop NLA as a centre of excellence.

For the successful candidate, this role will be a perfect platform to prepare effectively for headship in the next 3 to 5 years.

The successful candidate will play a substantial role in realising the vision of high aspirations and expectations across the academy and trust to ensure that we deliver the best opportunities possible for our students.

The Job Descriptions and Person Specifications for each role are available in the Key Documents section of this site.


Martin Blair

Hays Leadership Appointments

Tel: 07736791138



L26-L30, depending on experience


Closing date: 8am, Monday 5th October

Interviews: 13th and 14th October

Start date: January 2021

How to apply

For further information, an informal and confidential discussion about either role or to discuss the application process please contact Martin Blair at Hays Leadership Appointments.

Key Documents

Location Section


120 Heyworth St, Liverpool L5 0SQ


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