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About us

The Harborough district was formed in 1974 under the Local Government Act 1972 and covers 230 square miles (600km). The district is the largest of the eight district authorities in Leicestershire and covers almost a quarter of the county. There are more than 90 villages, many with populations of less than 200.

In Harborough, the population size has increased by 14.3%, from around 85,400 in 2011 to 97,600 in 2021. This is higher than the overall increase for England during this period (6.6%).

Working with our communities our Vision is that we will build a future for the people of Harborough district that gives them the best life chances and opportunities through:

  • Community leadership to create a sense of pride in our place
  • Promoting health and wellbeing and encouraging healthy life choices
  • Creating a sustainable environment to protect future generations
  • Supporting businesses and residents to deliver a prosperous local economy

These outcomes form part of our comprehensive plan covering the full range of the council’s responsibilities.  This plan is known as the Corporate Plan (2022-2031) and is the council’s overarching strategic document.  As such it is an important tool which sets out our ambitions for the district and helps focus our efforts and resources on the right things. 

You can read our corporate plan and delivery plan here.

Our Values

At Harborough District Council our values shape our culture and behaviours which help to determine how we work with each other, our community, elected members and partnerships, and promote cohesion amongst our employees and help drive us towards a common goal.  Through our STARs awards, we are able to share, recognise and celebrate the hard work and dedication of our employees.

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