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The Children's Trust

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Benefits Content 1

Employee benefits

We are pleased to offer an extensive benefits package for staff to enjoy as below.

  • Competitive rates of pay

  • £1,000 “Golden Hello” (subject to eligibility)

  • Subsidised accommodation (subject to availability and eligibility)

  • Relocation support provided

  • Full training and induction programme

  • Access to training and supervision, along with our commitment to their on-going personal development

  • Retention of NHS and Teacher's pensions where applicable, or a generous contributory pension scheme for other staff

  • 35 days holiday (including bank holidays), increasing with length of service

  • On-site subsidised nursery with places for staff (subject to availability and eligibility)

  • Free parking

  • Subsidised canteen

  • Library

In addition, we are also pleased to offer the following for a work life balance:

  • Flexible working and family friendly policies

  • Health and well-being programmes

  • Employee Assistance Programme

  • Occupational health service including access to a physiotherapy services

  • Discounts on goods and services offered by third parties

Benefits Content 2


Set within its beautiful 25 acre woodland site, The Children’s Trust is able to offer on-site accommodation to staff. With short-stays (one night, up to five, on an ad-hoc basis) and long-term stays available (one month or more), accommodation offers:

  • Clean and reasonably decorated rooms, on a part-furnished basis (including a single bed, cupboard storage, wardrobe, desk, chair, and wash basin)

  • Communal areas, including a lounge area with sofas and TV, kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer space

  • Bed linen, towels, crockery and cooking utensils

  • Television*, communal telephone and Wi-Fi access.

  • On-site laundry facilities available (free of charge)

  • Communal areas, such as the kitchen, lounge and bathrooms, are cleaned daily (Monday – Friday)

In addition, accommodation is offered on an inclusive rent arrangement covering:

  • All utilities (ie water, gas, electricity)

Long-term stays are usually for a maximum of 12 months when priority is then given to new starters in need of accommodation. A request to extend the duration of occupancy beyond 12 months and up to a maximum of two years will be considered subject to availability.

Accommodation is allocated according to availability and priority will be given to roles regarded as difficult to recruit to (i.e. nurses and care staff). Where accommodation is oversubscribed, accommodation requests will be prioritised by the People team and their decision is not subject to appeal. For the avoidance of doubt, where the staff accommodation on site is full, The Children’s Trust is not responsible for finding or subsidising staff accommodation elsewhere. If occupancy is at 100% and rooms are required for roles considered a priority (i.e. nurses and care staff) those in residence for longer than 12 months will be given appropriate notice (usually one month) to leave the accommodation.

Deductions for the rent for stays longer than one month will be made from monthly salary payments and include pro-rated deductions for part-month occupancy unless alternative payment arrangements are agreed with the Facilities team. For ad hoc stays, payment must be made in advance via the Facilities team before keys are issued.

Rents will be reviewed on an annual basis taking into account market rates. Rent will also be increased to an appropriate level for anyone requesting to stay for longer than 12 months. *Please note personal TVs require a separate TV licence, payable by the member of staff.


حصل خطأ عند معالجة القالب.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> propsUtil.get(ucmLocaleKey)  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 19]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign locale = propsUtil.get(ucmLoc...  [in template "64056#64102#365043" at line 28, column 1]
1<div id="outer-footer" class="updatedFooter" style="padding-left: 0px; width: 1640px;"> 
2	 <div id="inner-footer-expert" class=""> 
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6					<#if (footerLogoHTML?length > 0)> 
7					${footerLogoHTML} 
8					<#else> 
9						<img src="https://www/" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
10							footer logo"> 
11					</#if> 
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13					<#assign haysLogo = propsUtil.get("HAYS_LOGO_WEB2")/> 
14					<img src="${haysLogo}" id="defaultLogo" alt="Hays  
15							footer logo" style="max-width:200px!important;margin:0px 15px;"> 
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22												${linkData} 
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34 <#if countryCode = themeDisplay.getLocale()?keep_after_last("_") > 
35    <#assign apiUrl = propsUtil.get("API_DOMAIN")/> 
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43<#assign response = httpUtil.URLtoString(apiUrl+"/o/HaysContentStructure/getcontentstructure/expertFooter/"+locale)> 
44<#assign responseObj = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(response)> 
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56		 <nav> 
57			<ul> 
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61					<li> 
62						<a href="${linkUrl}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a> 
63					</li> 
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65				    <li> 
66						<a href="${groupHeadingArr.get(i).Link}" target="">${groupHeadingArr.get(i).GroupHeading}</a> 
67					</li> 
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71		  </nav> 
72		 </div> 
73	  </div> 
74	 <#elseif getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")??> 
75	 <#assign FooterLinkArr = getResponseResultArray.get(0).getJSONArray("FooterLink")> 
76	 <div class="row single-col"> 
77		<div class="col col-12">   
78		 <nav> 
79			<ul> 
80			<#list 0 ..< FooterLinkArr.length()?number as i> 
81			     <#assign linkUrl = FooterLinkArr.get(i).FooterLink?replace("href=\"/", "href=\""+siteUrl+"/" ) > 
82					<li> 
83						${linkUrl} 
84					</li> 
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88		 </div> 
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93			<div class="col col-12"> 
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97	</#if> 
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107				${CopyrightText.getData()} 
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114    if((Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLanguageId() != "en_GB") && (location.href.indexOf("/web/") != -1)) { 
115	console.log("link update required on the site"); 
116	$('a').each(function(index) { 
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122		$(this).attr("href", updatedLink) 
123		console.log("link updated - " + updatedLink); 
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